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31 mai 2012
Fuseau horaire Europe/Zurich
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Méthodes agiles sur le terrain : SCRUM dans le projet StratusLab

31 mai 2012, 10:00
Amphi P. Lehmann (LAL)

Amphi P. Lehmann


Bât 200 91898 Orsay


Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay)


The StratusLab project was a two year, European project that developed a complete, open-source cloud distribution, suitable for creating both private and public clouds. A unique feature of the project was its adoption of agile software engineering methodologies, in particular Scrum. Scrum structures the development process into a series of short (~3 week) iterations called sprints. Each sprint starts with a planning meeting and ends with a demonstration of developed functionality. During the sprint, developers remain in contact through daily “stand-up” meetings, limited to 15 minutes. The project adapted the standard Scrum procedures to meet the challenges of operating in an academic environment with a development team distributed throughout five European countries. This presentation describes our experience with Scrum and plans to extend our toolset to support a complete DevOps platform.

Documents de présentation