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SIMINOLE 05 Auger and Inference

building 200, room 129/bleue (LAL, Orsay)

building 200, room 129/bleue

LAL, Orsay

Balazs Kegl (LAL)
ANR SIMINOLE project meeting
  • Alireza Roodaki
  • Balazs Kegl
  • Diego Garcia Gamez
  • Nikolaus Hansen
  • Olivier Cappé
  • Rémi Bardenet
  • Verena Heidirch-Meisner
    • 1
      Welcome and news
      Speaker: Mr Balazs Kegl (LAL)
    • 2
      RJMCMC implementation and comparisons
      Speaker: Alireza Roodaki (Telecom ParisTech)
    • 3
      EM component, heavy-tail fitting
      Speaker: Mr Rémi Bardenet (LAL, University Paris-Sud XI, IN2P3)
    • 12:10 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 4
      The optimization approach
      Speaker: Mrs Verena Heidrich-Meisner (LRI)
    • 5
      Implementation issues
      Speaker: Mr Balazs Kegl (LAL)