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StratusLab User Tutorial



A presentation of the features of the StratusLab cloud distribution followed by a tutorial allowing the participants to try out the cloud infrastructure themselves. The tutorial also acts as a demonstration and can be followed by those without laptops.

For those following the tutorial, please prepare the prerequisites in advance:
  • Register for a StratusLab account
  • Prepare your laptop
Details for this can be found in Chapter 3 of the document attached to the User Tutorial below. If more details are needed, you can also consult the complete Users Guide.
    • 2:30 PM 4:00 PM
      Session 1
      • 2:30 PM
        StratusLab: A IaaS Cloud Distribution Focusing on Simplicity 45m
        The StratusLab collaboration provides an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud distribution, allowing data centres to install private, community, or public clouds for their users. The distribution focuses on simplicity: allowing quick, straightforward installation on commodity hardware as well as easy access by scientists and engineers. Having run a cloud service based on StratusLab for several years, we will present issues that have arisen and provide examples of scientific use of the infrastructure. This will be followed by a live demonstration of the main features of the StratusLab cloud distribution.
        Speaker: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay)
      • 3:15 PM
        Questions 15m
        Speakers: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay), Dr Mohammed Airaj (CNRS/LAL)
      • 3:30 PM
        User Tutorial 30m
        Speakers: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay), Dr Mohammed Airaj (CNRS/LAL)
    • 4:00 PM 4:30 PM
      Break 30m
    • 4:30 PM 6:00 PM
      Session 2
      • 4:30 PM
        User Tutorial 1h 30m
        Speakers: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay), Dr Mohammed Airaj (CNRS/LAL)