Eloi Le Quilleuc
09/05/2016 14:30
I am a 2nd year PhD student working in the ATLAS experiment at Cern. In this collaboration, I mainly contributed to the identification of b-jets. I optimized the reconstruction of secondary vertices at high jet momentum, improved the recognition of B-hadron vertices against V0 vertices, and brought some corrections to a Boosted Decision Tree algorithm (that combines b-tagging informations into...
Renato Quagliani
(LAL Orsay and Bristol University)
09/05/2016 15:00
The project of the LHCb upgraded detector foresees the presence of a scintillating fiber tracker (SciFi) for the LHC run III starting in 2020. We will describe the design and the performances of the newly developed algorithm used for the reconstruction of stand-alone tracks in the SciFi, called Hybrid Seeding.
The B mesons double charm decays have been introduced to explain the discrepancy...
Christophe Goudet
09/05/2016 15:15
The run 2 of the LHC starts an era of precision measurement in the Higgs sector which may be a portal to Beyond Standard Model physics.
To be sensitive to BSM, an improvement of the systematics is necessary.
The final step of the electron energy correction, which is part of the dominant experimental uncertainties, uses a data driven technique to calibrate the energy of...
Amélie Rouchon
(Cea Saclay)
09/05/2016 15:30
Traditional neutron noise analysis addresses the description of small time-dependent flux fluctuations induced by small global or local periodic perturbations of the macroscopic cross sections, which may occur in nuclear reactors due to stochastic density fluctuations of the coolant, to vibrations of fuel elements, control rods, or any other structures in the core. Neutron noise techniques are...
(LETI CEA-Grenoble)
09/05/2016 15:30
Chalcogenide materials (based in S, Se and Te) have unique electrical and optical properties; they have the ability to change from amorphous to crystalline phase when an electric current is applied. This phenomenon makes them a reference in new applications such as electronic memories (Phase Change RAM and Conductive Bridge RAM) and in optronics (Photonics and photovoltaics applications). In...
Nabil Chouika
(Irfu/SPhN - CEA Saclay)
09/05/2016 15:30
The extraction of GPDs (Generalized Parton Distributions, that encode information about the correlation between longitudinal momentum and transverse position of the quarks and gluons inside the hadron) is one of the main challenges of Hadronic Physics nowadays. In parallel, the need to produce accurate models in the valence region (relevant for JLab kinematics for example) is important. The...
Cheikh Fall Ndiaye
09/05/2016 15:30
Accelerator Physics
In the context of the R&D program of the EuroGammaS consortium, a collaboration between different academic and industry partners for the Nuclear Physics pillar of the European project Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI-NP), two multipass $\gamma$-ray Compton machines are to be built in Măgurele, Romania with photons of tunable energy between $0.2~\mathrm{MeV}$ and up to $20~\mathrm{MeV}$. These...
Jonathan Riffaud
09/05/2016 15:30
Dosimetry in reactor aims to determine the neutron fluence received during an irradiation and to characterize the spectrum (energy distribution of neutrons). This technique is based on the analysis of the activity of irradiated dosimeters, such as Nb-93(n,)Nb-93m and Rh-103(n,)Rh-103m with energies emissions between 16 and 22 keV. The activity measurement of these dosimeters is...
Delphine Boursette
09/05/2016 15:30
The SoLid experiment is searching for sterile neutrinos from a nuclear research reactor. It looks
for inverse beta decays (a positron and a neutron in delayed coincidence) with a very segmented
detector made of thousands of scintillating cubes. SoLid has a very innovative hybrid technology
with 2 different scintillators. The cubes are made of Polyvynil-Toluene (PVT) to detect the...
Xavier Nuel Gavaldà
(Synchtron SOLEIL)
09/05/2016 15:30
The aim of this project is to optimize the nonlinear beam dynamics of the Synchrotron SOLEIL storage ring using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). MOGA uses ELEGANT as a tracking code to compute the on- and off-momentum acceptances as optimization objectives and the quadrupole and sextupole setting magnets as optimization variables. The off- and on-momentum acceptances are strongly...
Themistoklis Williams
09/05/2016 15:30
For the first time, a diamond sensor was operated for the characterisation of a high average-intensity gamma-ray beam.
Data was collected for gamma beam energies between 2 and 7 MeV, at the HI$\gamma$S
facility of TUNL.
The nanosecond-fast resolution of diamond detectors is exploited to distinguish bunches of gamma rays 16.8 ns apart.
It allows a precise direct determination of the...
Liss Vazquez Rodriguez
09/05/2016 15:30
The hyperfine structure splitting (hfs) and isotope shifts (IS) in the atomic transitions 4d10 5s 2S1/2 – 4d10 5p 2P3/2 will be measured for the isotopes 111-120Ag. The technique of choice will be collinear laser spectroscopy. A continuous-wave laser beam will be overlapped with the radioactive beam and at a precise set of laser frequencies the atoms fluoresce in the transitions of their...
Coline Larmier
09/05/2016 15:30
In the context of reactor physics, the simulation of the transport of neutrons and photons (which obeys the Boltzmann equation) is based on deterministic or stochastic methods. The stochastic approach resorts to Monte Carlo codes, such as TRIPOLI-4®. Developed by the CEA, this code is used for criticality, shielding and nuclear instrumentation. In this context, the random walks of the...
Mathias Pierre
(LPT Orsay)
09/05/2016 15:30
We investigate a simple setup in which an excess in the di-photon invariant mass distribution
around $750$ GeV, as seen by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, is originated
through a pair of collimated photon pairs. In this framework a scalar state
$s$ decays into two light pseudo-Goldstone bosons $a$, each of which subsequently decays into
a pair of collimated photons which are...
Yiman YAN
(IPN Orsay)
09/05/2016 15:30
A precise description of fission is essential for reactor safety, to assess the feasibility of waste transmutation and for the design of a next generation of reactors. However, despite a long history of work, the theoretical description of nuclear fission - one of the most complex processes on the nuclear scale - is still far from complete. In addition, information of fission of exotic...
Anastasia Georgiadou
09/05/2016 15:30
In the present work, the study of transfer reactions in 56 Ni is
presented. The study is focusing in the neutron-proton pairing, which
is a local interaction inside the nucleus. In addition with the mean
field potential in the nucleus pairing induces correlations. There are
two channels for pairing, one with isospin T=1 (isovector) and the
other with isospin T=0 (isoscalar), in...
Tasneem Rashid
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Linéaire (LAL) - Université Paris Sud XI)
09/05/2016 15:30
Active edge planar pixel sensors are promising candidates to instrument the inner layers of the
new ATLAS pixel detector for HL-LHC, thanks to its radiation tolerant properties and the increased fraction of active area due to a distance as low as 50 µm between the last pixel implants and the activated edge . This poster addresses the study of the electrical characterization of active edge...
Michal Rapala
(CEA Saclay)
09/05/2016 15:30
My PhD is done in cooperation between the SPHN at CEA Saclay and the SPRC at Cadarache. It consists in the study of the fission process and the deexcitation of the fission fragments. The first step is the analysis of an experimental campaign performed in 2012 at ILL in Grenoble (EXILL), in which a U-235 and a Pu-241 target were irradiated by a beam of cold neutrons. A unique feature of the...
Clément Chevillard
(Medical physics department, Institute Curie/ Paris/ France ; R&D Medical Physics, DOSIsoft/Cachan/France)
09/05/2016 15:30
In vivo dosimetry consists in measuring in real time, during one or several treatment sessions, the dose actually received by the patient1Many researchers in the past year have improved methods to verify the correct dose delivery in the patient1. A simple method to determineIn the last 10 years the dose received by the patient during his treatment is to usehas been measured by an Electronic...
Alice Somaini
09/05/2016 17:15
Monte Carlo codes are often used in nuclear reactor simulations to realize fuel evolutions as a function of time, in order to know the spent fuel composition at the end of the irradiation cycle.
The evolution of the entire reactor core is not possible with stochastic codes, because of the source convergence problem and the too costly machine time required.
So, a simple reactor model is...
Yara Haddad
(CSNSM, Univ Paris-Sud)
09/05/2016 17:30
This Ph.D. study is concerned with the UO2 nuclear spent fuel. A high burnup structure (HBS, also so-called rim structure) is observed with a typical thickness of 100 to 200 µm at the peripheral region of the nuclear fuel pellets. Several observations and characterizations are notable in that zone [1-5]:
1- An increase of Pu content and burnup.
2- The development of fission gas pores...
09/05/2016 18:00
The molten salt fast reactor (MSFR) is an innovating concept of the molten salt reactor (MSR) developed by CNRS (France) since 2004. This reactor is designed for the use of a liquid nuclear adapted to work under Thorium fuel cycle (Th232-U233). The nuclear fuel retained for the MSFR will be composed for the fluoride molten salt mixture, LiF-ThF4-(UF4-UF3) (77–19–4) mol%. A current subject in...
Jana Crkovska
(IPN Orsay)
10/05/2016 10:15
Collision of relativistic heavy ions produce a hot and dense matter constituted of deconfined quarks and gluons - the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Heavy quarks present a unique probe of QGP properties as, due to their large mass, they are created in the initial hard-scattering processes during the first stages of the collision. Hence they experience the whole evolution of the system. Measurements...
Coralie Luchini
(IPN Orsay)
10/05/2016 10:15
The application of nuclear technology in industry, research and medicine leads to the production of radionuclides that are likely to cause environmental pollution or internal contamination (through inhalation, ingestion or wound) of nuclear workers and/or public. Indeed, contaminations are present in the surroundings of uranium mining sites, radwaste disposal facilities, or after accidental...
Marharyta ALOKHINA
10/05/2016 10:15
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a powerful nuclear imaging technique used widely nowadays in oncology, cardiology and neuropsychiatry. The PET technology consists in injecting the patient with a radioactive tracer. The decay of the tracer emits a positron which annihilate with an electron. As a result of the annihilation, two 511 keV gamma quanta are emitted back-to-back and registered...
Clotilde Canot
10/05/2016 10:15
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear imaging technique widely used in
oncology. Decay of the tracer emits positrons, which annihilate in the nearby tissue. Two
gamma quanta with the energy 511 keV are produced by positron annihilation and allow
one to reconstruct the annihilation vertex and distribution of the tracer activity in the body
of the patient. The time-of-flight (TOF)...
Jean-Baptiste Durrive
(Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale)
10/05/2016 10:15
Cosmological numerical simulations suggest that the Universe has a web-like structure, the nodes of which are galaxy clusters. These clusters are supplied with matter by gas flowing along the filaments interconnecting them. Part of this accretion occurs intermittently, which indicates that dense clumps of matter do not only form inside clusters themselves, but also either in voids, walls...
Alice Defresne
10/05/2016 10:15
a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells have reached record efficiencies of 24.7% (22% in industry) [1]. The passivation of c-Si in silicon heterojunction solar cells is the key to achieve a high-efficiency. The abrupt discontinuity in the crystal structure at the amorphous/crystal interface induces a high density of dangling bonds, thus creating a large density of defects induced energy levels...
Florent Scarpa
(IPN Orsay - Paris-Sud U. - CNRS/IN2P3)
10/05/2016 10:15
Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) factorisation is a systematic method to account for transverse part of parton momentum inside hadrons. In this formalism, the partonic scattering amplitude ("short-distance part" evaluated with Feynman rules) remains unmodified. It is instead factorised with correlators containing the transverse dependence.
TMD distributions are of great interest to...
Maíra Dutra
(Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d'Orsay)
10/05/2016 10:15
For more than 80 years ago, the existence of a "dark" component in our Universe was proposed regarding astrophysical observations. Since that time, several other hints (rotation curves of the galaxies, bullet-cluster, measurement of the Cosmological Microwave Background) came to confirm this hypothesis. However, the situation seems today even less clear than ever. This is the consequence of...
Pauline Zarrouk
10/05/2016 10:15
The eBOSS multi-object spectrograph has undertaken a survey of Quasars (QSO) in the redshift range 0.9 < z < 2.2. It will measure the growth rate of structures from the Redshift Space Distortions (RSD) of the 2-point correlation function and allow for a test of general relativity modifications and dark energy scenarios.
To perform this measurement, special care should be given to the RSD...
Héléna Chesneau
10/05/2016 10:15
The accuracy of patient and tumor localization for radiotherapy treatments has been improved by the emergence of radiographic image guidance. However, intensive use of Imaged-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) could add a significant extra dose to normal tissues and potentially amplify the risk for patients to develop a secondary radiation-induced cancer and side effects. The purpose of this Ph.D...
Raphaël-David Lasseri
10/05/2016 10:15
Since the 50's the importance of quantum correlations to describe matter has been understood, first in atomic systems by Cooper and Froehlich and extended to Nuclei by Mott and Pines through an intuitive 'pair' models.
In a first part i'll discuss a modern interpretation of this phenomena and some applications.
In a second part I'll focus on more general type of correlations and possible...
Mohamad Ayoub
(Physique des particules)
10/05/2016 10:15
Je suis en dernière année de thèse dans le groupe de recherche de Higgs en deux leptons taus dans ATLAS au laboratoire de l’accélérateur linéaire à Orsay. Durant ma 1ére année en 2013, j’ai travaillé dans le groupe de performance du lepton tau dans ATLAS et j’ai participé dans l’amélioration de la reconstruction et l’identification de ce lepton. Un lepton tau se désintegrent soit en canal...
Mathieu Lamoureux
(CEA Saclay, IRFU)
10/05/2016 10:15
Neutrinos are the only matter particles in the Standard Model of particle physics that have only been observed with left handed chirality. If right handed neutrinos exist, they could be responsible for several phenomena that have no explanation within the Standard Model, including neutrino masses, the baryon asymmetry of the universe and dark matter.
The Neutrino Minimal Standard Model...
Aurélien Soulié
(DEN-Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
10/05/2016 10:15
Recent experimental studies on oxides crystallizing in the fluorite structures (UO2, CeO2 or cubic ZrO2) have shown that under MeV electron irradiations, some atypic extended defects can be created in these materials. Faulted non-stoichiometric dislocation loops (disk-shaped interstitial oxygen layers) have already been seen. These observations raise the question about the point defect...
10/05/2016 10:15
Recent experimental discoveries have revealed that the neutron effective single particle evolution above $^{78}$Ni shows peculiar and unpredicted behaviours. Our study us mainly focussed on the neutron $g_{7/2}$ effective single particle energy (ESPE) evolution towards $^{78}$Ni. This evolution should be driven by the same tensor mechanism which produces a quasi-degeneracy of the...
Florian Geslin
10/05/2016 10:15
Nowadays, the number of projects aiming at building high intensity proton linear accelerator is increasing thanks to a large field of applications: particles physics, nuclear physics, spallation source and some applications in material sciences, biology and nuclear waste reprocessing. All these linear accelerator projects are based on superconducting technology that allows high accelerating...
Andrei Angelescu
(CNRS / Univ. Paris-Sud)
10/05/2016 11:45
The so-called "Hierarchy Problem" is one of the main driving forces behind the
nowadays exploration of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). In its simplest
form, the Hierarchy Problem asks why the weak interaction is $\sim 10^{30}$ times
stronger than gravity. The goal of this presentation is to state the body of the
problem in a precise yet accessible manner, with a particular...
Steven Calvez
(Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)
10/05/2016 12:00
Particle Physics
The SuperNEMO experiment is looking for the neutrinoless double beta decay which, if
observed, would prove the Majorana nature of the neutrino. Under the assumption neutrinos
are indeed identical to their antiparticles, the detector could not only constrain the effective
neutrino mass but also identify precisely the mechanism responsible for the neutrinoless
double beta decay among the...
Amelia Maia Leite
(Cea Saclay)
10/05/2016 12:15
The GBAR experiment will measure the free fall of antihydrogen to test the weak equivalence principle with antimatter. In order to produce this atom with a velocity of the order of 1 m/s, we will use an intermediate state, the H$^+$ ion, composed of an antiproton and two positrons. This ion can be slowed to such velocities and then neutralized by photo-detachment of the excess positron. Its...
Baptiste Abeloos
10/05/2016 12:30
The supersymmetry is one of the most studied theory beyond the standard model. During the presentation, I will describe the research of supersymmetry (squarks and gluinos) with the ATLAS detector in the 0 lepton channel.
Claire Portail
(IPN Orsay)
10/05/2016 14:45
Deep inelastic collisions were discovered few decades ago and are nowadays frequently used in well-chosen conditions for nuclear structure studies. However, those reactions are producing nuclei in a wide angular range due to an orbiting phenomenon which can occur during the interaction. We aim then to describe the mechanism evolution from a particular angle called "grazing angle" to zero...
Wenjia HUANG
10/05/2016 15:00
Nuclear Masses are widely used in nuclear physics, astrophysics and in advanced applications such as nuclear energy and waste management. However only about 2800 of the nuclear masses have been experimentally determined for the moment, while 6000-7000 nuclei have been estimated to exist in the Chart of Nuclides. In nuclear astrophysics, the nuclear mass is an important input for...
Hélion du Mas des Bourboux
(CEA, Saclay)
10/05/2016 16:00
We measure the large-scale cross-correlation of quasars with the Lyman-alpha forest absorption field. We use over 170,000 forests from Data Release 12 (DR12) of the SDSS-III BOSS survey and over 240,000 quasars from DR12 and from DR7 of the SDSS-II survey. This study allows us to measure the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) scale, along and across the line of sight, at a mean redshift of z...
Julien Baur
10/05/2016 16:30
Lyman-alpha absorption features probe the distribution of neutral Hydrogen (a legitimate tracer for dark matter) along the line-of-sight of luminous, high-redshift quasars. As such, they are a useful tool for probing the power spectrum at scales below a few Mpc and can thus be a powerful data set to test non-linear cosmological effects such as the mass of neutrinos.
Using an unprecedently...
Matthias Lorentz
(Irfu, CEA Saclay)
10/05/2016 16:45
Very high energy gamma rays (VHE, > 100 GeV) propagating over cosmological distances interact with the extragalactic background light (EBL) which is the second most intense background in the Universe after the cosmic microwave background. Observations of spectral features in the VHE band of extragalactic sources related to this energy-dependent absorption process with the H.E.S.S. array of...
Julio Arturo Rabanal Reina
10/05/2016 17:00
The EUSO-Balloon telescope is composed by a PDM, which is a phatfinder of one of the 130 PDM the front-end of the JEM-EUSO telescope. JEM-EUSO is the telescope that have like aim the detection of the UHECR watching the Earth's atmosphere from the space (inside the Japanese module of ISS)The first focus of this work was the integration of PDM and the corresponding validation test . Inside this,...
Floriana Zefi
(LLR-Ecole Polytechnique)
10/05/2016 17:15
The supergiant elliptical galaxy M87 has been first detected at Very High Energies (VHE, E > 0.4 TeV) by the H.E.S.S. telescopes in 2005. M87 has been continuously observed by the VHE instruments, resulting in the detection of three high flux states occurring respectively in 2005, 2008 and 2010. However, the origin and location of the gamma-rays production remains still unresolved. With its...
Pauline Zarrouk
10/05/2016 17:30
Oral Presentation
During your PhD thesis, you can do teaching or scientific mediation but do you know that you can also work in a company as a consultant during 32 days maximum?
This kind of doctoral missions in a company are called expertise-consulting missions. They have been created to develop links between the academic research world and the industrial world and to widen the PhD students' job prospects....
Jean-Baptiste Durrive
(Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale)
10/05/2016 17:40
Friendly seminars between PhD students of several laboratories of the Orsay campus.
Pierre Favier
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire)
11/05/2016 09:30
Inverse Compton Scattering provides a unique way to produce quasi-monochromatic X-rays via the interaction of relativistic electrons with a laser pulse. This process has the advantage of producing a very high flux of X-rays with energies above a few tens of keV for a modest electron beam energy. In addition the output beam divergence is much larger than in classical synchrotron light sources...
11/05/2016 09:45
The forthcoming high-luminosity environment of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) implies the redesign of several subsystems in the ATLAS detector. In particular, an improvement of the calorimeter trigger system has to be done to match the data acquisition rate with the expected increase of the collisions rate. The strategy is to increase the calorimeter spatial resolution and to use the...
Federico Scozzi
(IPN Orsay)
11/05/2016 10:45
The High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) operates at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt with pion, proton and heavy-ion beams provided by the synchrotron SIS18. HADES results on e$^+$e$^-$ production in proton-nucleus reactions and in nucleus-nucleus collisions demonstrate a strong enhancement of the dilepton yield relative to a reference spectrum...
ying wang
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay)
11/05/2016 11:00
Exclusive binary annihilation reactions induced by antiprotons of momentum from
1.5 to 15 GeV/c can be extensively investigated at FAIR/PANDA [1]. We are especially
interested in the channel of charged pion pairs. Whereas this very probable channel constitutes
the major background for other processes of interest in the PANDA experiment, it carries unique
physical information on the quark...
Mohamad Tarhini
(IPN Orsay)
11/05/2016 11:30
In ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the formation of a hot and dense strongly-interacting medium, a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), is expected. To characterize the QGP, one must disentangle genuine QGP effects from the ones due to the nuclear medium presence known as Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects. One of the important CNM effects is the modification of the parton distribution function...
Félix Hautot
11/05/2016 14:30
New developments in the field of robotics and computer vision enables to merge sensors to allow fast real-time localization of radiological measurements in the space/volume with near-real time radioactive sources identification and characterization, especially when premises statements are unknown. These capabilities lead nuclear investigations to a more efficient way for operators’ dosimetry...
3D printing of anthropomorphic phantoms and validation of their usefulness in internal dosimetry
11/05/2016 14:30
*In vivo* counting is a monitoring method used to estimate the incorporation of radionuclides from spectrometric measurements. In practice, the calibration is performed using physical phantoms which are currently limited as compared with the human anatomy. Many researches are focused on the development of realistic calibrations using numerical phantoms and Monte Carlo simulations. Nowadays,...
Andre Govinda Stahl
11/05/2016 14:30
The measurement of Psi(2S) meson yield in PbPb collisions compared to the J/psi meson is used to study the modifications of the charmonium production in PbPb due to effects like melting in the quark gluon plasma and statistical recombination. Previous results reported by the CMS Collaboration using pp and PbPb data at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV, have shown that the Psi(2S) meson is more suppressed...
Valentina NOVATI
11/05/2016 14:30
My thesis subject deals with neutrino physic. In particular it is connected to the CUORE experiment, whose purpose is to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te, through the use of bolometers based on TeO2. My thesis deals with the data analysis of the current experiment, but also with the design and the test of an innovative type of bolometer that will enhance the sensitivity...
Giulia Negro
(CEA-Saclay Irfu/SPP)
11/05/2016 14:30
Detailed studies on data at 0T in order to understand the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimenter performances during data taking at 0T of the Run2 of LHC will be presented, together with their comparison with data at 3.8T of Run2.
Also data-MC comparisons in order to understand the remaining data-MC discrepancies at 3.8T will be shown.
11/05/2016 14:30
Even though the physics of atomic nuclei is a low-energy realization of QCD, a direct link between the two is concealed by the strongly coupling nature of QCD at low energies. Nevertheless, exploiting the separation of relevant low- and high-energy scales, chiral EFT, built only on nucleons and pions degrees of freedom, generates an implicit connection, providing a systematic framework that...
Marie-Coralie Delattre
11/05/2016 14:30
The objective of my thesis is to study the one particle orbitals when getting closer to the 78Ni.
Are the N=50 and Z=28 gaps stay big enough to ensure the magicity of 78Ni?
Concretely, it’s about studying nuclei in the isotonic chains N=49 and N=51, 79,81Zn fed by beta and beta-n decay of 79,81Cu and 80Cu. The low energy states in daughter nuclei will help to reconstruct the 1 particle / 1...
Luis Ammour
(Université Paris-Sud - IMNC)
11/05/2016 14:30
The purpose of MAPSSIC project is to provide an innovative tool for imaging beta+ radiopharmaceuticals in rodents brain, in order to assess brain functional processes. Complementary to others imaging modalities (such as Positron Emission Tomography), MAPSSIC distinguishes itself by performing real time images on awake and fully freely-moving animals, a requirement for concomitant behavioral...
Petar Marevic
11/05/2016 14:30
The relativistic mean-field models, based on the energy density functionals theory and extended to include pairing correlations, provide a very good microscopic description of ground-state properties of atomic nuclei. However, in order to calculate excitation spectra and electromagnetic transition rates, it is necessary to take into account collective correlations that arise from symmetry...
Pierre Arthuis
11/05/2016 14:30
The recent development of nuclear many-body ab initio methods has extended their application range to middle-mass doubly-closed shell nuclei and light doubly-open shell ones in the past few years, but heavy nuclei are at the moment out of reach. On the contrary, energy density functionals (EDF) have been around for decades, covering the whole nuclear chart. However, being based on...
Florian Haurais
(EDF RetD)
11/05/2016 14:30
This poster presents the main results of a study conducted to quantify the degradation state of Zr-based fuel claddings submitted to severe accident conditions in a nuclear reactor core: high temperatures and pure steam or air-steam mix. Due to the progressive thickening of a dense and protective ZrO2 layer, the oxidation kinetics of Zr-based claddings in steam, at high temperatures typical of...
Lisa Belkacemi
(CEA Saclay)
11/05/2016 14:30
Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels embrittlement under neutron irradiation is the main lifetime limiting factor of nuclear reactors. The RPV embrittlement is primary due to the impeding of dislocation glide caused by their interaction with nanometric clusters composed of point defects and/or solute atoms which form under irradiation. Point defect clustering can lead to the formation of...
Anastasiia Zolotarova
11/05/2016 14:30
Neutrinoless double beta decay is a very rare nuclear process whose
observation would provide essential information on neutrino properties. My PhD
thesis subject focuses on the search for this phenomenon in the isotope 100Mo. The thesis activity aims at preparing and performing an underground demonstrator
experiment named LUCINEU.
Amar Boukhari
11/05/2016 14:30
Research thematic: nuclear physics.
Laboratory: Centre de Sciences Nucléaire et de Sciences de la Matière (CSNSM)
Thesis director: Georgi Georgiev
Amar Boukhari
1st year of PhD
Title: Structure of exotic nuclei. Spin-oriented radioactive...
Quentin Luce
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay)
11/05/2016 14:30
The Pierre Auger Observatory is today the largest observatory built, with a ground surface of 3000 km², dedicated to the observation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (>10^18 eV). At these energies we found two structures in the energy spectrum of the cosmic rays (CRs): the ankle (~ 4.10^18 eV) and the GZK cut-off (~5.10^19 eV) which are really interesting to understand the origin of the CRs...
Shifali SINGH
(CEA, Cadarache)
11/05/2016 14:30
In case of a severe accident scenario in sodium-cooled fast reactors, due to transient over power accident (TOPA) or unprotected loss of flow accident (ULOFA) the fuel might melt generating a hot mixture named corium. When the hot molten fuel (≈ 3000 K) issuing from the degraded core comes in contact with sodium, molten fuel-coolant interaction (FCI) will occur, which can be explosive. The...
Elodie Verzeroli
11/05/2016 16:00
The increasing global demand for energy and the consideration of environmental constraints have rekindled the interest for various forms of renewable energy production modes, including wind energy. In addition to the traditional wind turbines, the new idea is to convert wind energy directly into electrical energy without any moving parts.
The principle of direct conversion is actually quite...
Sviatoslav Bilokin
(Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)
11/05/2016 16:30
Particle Physics
A simple track-finding algorithm was developed to study tracks left by secondary particles, emerging from hadronic interactions in a highly granular electromagnetic calorimeter prototype. The predictions of two Monte Carlo Geant4 models are compared with experimental data, taken at FNAL in 2008, using a novel track-finding algorithm. Present Monte Carlo simulations provide a good`enter code...
Francesco Gizzarelli
(CEA Saclay)
11/05/2016 16:45
Particle Physics
T2K experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan, muon (anti-)neutrino beam is produced at J-PARC in Tokai and detected then 295 km away at the Super-Kamiokande (SK), a water cherenkov far detector in Kamioka. T2K main puropose is to observe electronic (anti-)neutrino appareance and muonic (anti-)neutrino disappereace, oscillation parameters are determined then by...
Inna Kucher
(CEA Saclay)
11/05/2016 17:00
Particle Physics
A search for the Higgs boson produced in association with a pair of top quarks and its decay to two photons has been performed by the CMS Collaboration at the LHC experiment using pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV with an integrated luminosity of 2.6/fb. This associated production is the only direct access to the top quark Yukawa coupling and decay to two photons has very clean...