Chair : Pierre Arthius
Collective excitations are observed and analyzed in several many-body systems such as, for instance, atomic nuclei, trapped atomic gases or metallic clusters. A model which is widely used to describe collective excitations is the random-phase approximation (RPA), where the excited modes are superpositions of 1 particle-1 hole configurations only. The RPA allows in general for a satisfactory...
A density functional is proposed for Fermi systems with anomalously large s-wave scattering length that has no free parameters. The functional is designed to correctly reproduce the unitary limit in Fermi gases together with the leading-order contributions in the s-wave channel at low density. The functional reproduces well static properties of Fermi gas at or close to the unitary limit. By...
Methods to solve the N-body Schroedinger equation must cope with two specific attributes of inter-nucleon interactions that are responsible for the non-perturbative character of the nuclear many-body problem. These elements of non-perturbative physics are of ultra-violet and infra-red natures and can be tamed down by pre-processing the nuclear Hamiltonian via Similarity Renormalization Group...