During in-reactor operation, the nuclear fuel is subjected to simultaneous radiation sources induced by the slowing down of fission fragments, the alpha and beta decay, etc. In addition, fission products incorporation induce chemical effects in the matrix. At the atomic scale radiation, damage is produced by both low-energy particles, leading to the collision cascades formation and high-energy...
Understanding the baryonic processes taking place in the large scale structures of the Universe is essential both if we want to understand structure formation and the biases they may induce in cosmological studies (e.g. σ8 or ωm). Among those processes, turbulent motions that are induced at various scales, for instance by AGN jets or accretion of matter from intergalactic filaments, are...
Ion beams are currently used in numerous fields of material science. It is crucial to have powerful tools to characterize irradiated materials and to have a better understanding of the basic mechanisms of the ion/solid interactions through mastering the technical aspects of the use of ion beams.
The aim of the thesis work is to develop new approaches that combine experimental characterization...
The electromagnetic calorimeter is one of the key elements of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In combination with the inner tracker the calorimeter allows to measure the energy and the momentum of electrons and photons coming out of the interaction point of the detector.
In order to properly reconstruct the physical processes happening after the collision it is...
Minibeam radiation therapy (MBRT) is a promising cancer treatment method that can help increase the sparing of healthy tissue while simultaneously allowing for higher doses to be administered, thereby making new types of cancers (hypoxic tumors) accessible to this type of treatment. While MBRT with x-rays is already being put to use in hospitals, the advantages of irradiating with protons and...
The NEWS-G collaboration utilises the novel technology of the Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) to conduct a direct search for low mass Dark Matter (DM) candidates. The SPC comprises a grounded metallic spherical vessel with a central spherical readout anode. In the ideal geometry, the radial electric field within the detector varies as 1/r$^{2}$, however, the details of the support...
Les simulations Particle-in-Cell sont utilisées dans une large variété de problèmes liés à la physique des plasmas. Dans plusieurs cas, une description précise et fiable des effets cinétiques qui se produisent en 3D est requise. Néanmoins, ce type de simulations est très couteux et nécessite beaucoup de ressources de calcul. Ceci est principalement dû à la haute résolution que nécessite les...
Laser Plasma Acceleration (LPA) enables to generate up to several GeV electron beam with short bunch length and high peak current within centimeters scale via different schemes. However, the generated beam quality (energy spread, divergence) is not sufficient to drive a Free Electron Laser (FEL) and a beam control is required. The COXINEL manipulation line is composed of high gradient variable...
The top quark mass ($m_t$) is a key parameter of the Standard Model (SM). Its large size, of the order of the electroweak scale, is associated with a Yukawa coupling of order 1, that gives important contributions, via radiative corrections, to SM observables. After the Higgs boson discovery and the accurate measurement of its mass, the allowed values of the W boson and top quark masses have...
In the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics, the electroweak (EW) symmetry breaking pattern is the less known and understood. With the discovery of a Higgs-like boson by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment in 2012, the Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) mechanism, which involves a new scalar field to break the EW gauge symmetry, seems to be at work in Nature. Nevertheless, the origin of the...
• Intro
- Intro sujet MYRRHA 600 MeV avec réacteur nucléaire
- Nécessité d’avoir un système fiable avec peu d’arrêt de fonctionnement
- Sûreté d’un pilotage par accélérateur, k$_{eff}$<1
• Dynamique faisceau
- Commissioning et test de fiabilité à 100 MeV
- Photo dynamique faisceau, photo quadupole, dipole
- Mon travail sur la définition du kicker-septum nécessaire et sur le design...
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is an upgrade of the LHC to achieve instantaneous luminosities a factor of five larger than the LHC nominal value. The Future Circular Collider (FCC) study is developing designs for a higher performance particle collider to extend the research currently being conducted by present colliders. For these two project, the investigation of beam interactions with the...