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AMICI Third Annual Meeting

Eiffel building (CentraleSupélec)

Eiffel building


3 Rue Joliot Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

AMICI Third Annual Meeting

The realization of unprecedented scientific endeavours, like the LHC, EU-XFEL, ESS and ITER Research Infrastructures, has been made possible thanks to the ‘de facto’ foundation of a European Technology Infrastructure composed of Technological Facilities located at European research laboratories. These Technological facilities are dedicated to the development of accelerator components and SC magnets, in collaboration with industry.

Representatives of 10 major European institutes in close collaboration with industry have been advancing this undertaking for two years. During the Final Annual meeting, AMICI partners will report the results of the different work package activities. This meeting will also give the opportunity to introduce to the European scientific community the concept of the Technology Infrastructure and its possible implementation as well as the post-AMICI phase.

8 October 2019, Saclay - CentraleSupélec
AMICI workshops

9 October 2019, Saclay - CentraleSupélec
AMICI Third Annual Meeting

10 October 2019, Saclay - CentraleSupélec
Steering Committee meeting


  • Adrian Szeliga
  • Andrew Hutton
  • Anthony Gleeson
  • Arifé YILDIRIM
  • Arik Willner
  • Charles-Olivier Bacri
  • David Alesini
  • Donna Pittaway
  • Giovanni Bisoffi
  • Hans Weise
  • Jean-Luc Biarrotte
  • Ketel Turzo
  • Lesiak Tadeusz
  • Maria de los Angeles Faus-Golfe
  • Maurizio Vretenar
  • Mauro Morandin
  • Michal Duda
  • Mohammed FOUAIDY
  • Olivier Napoly
  • Pasquale Fabbricatore
  • Peter McIntosh
  • Pierre Vedrine
  • Serge Sierra
  • souleymane KAMARA
  • Sylvie Leray
  • Terence GARVEY
  • Tord Ekelof
  • Umberto Gambardella
  • Walid Kaabi
    • WP2 Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec
    • WP3 Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

    • WP4 Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

    • WP5 Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

    • 12:45
      Lunch Room VI-118, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Room VI-118, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Room VI-118, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec
    • Final report preparation Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec
    • Plan for the future Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi V, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

    • 16:15
      Coffee break ATRIUM, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      ATRIUM, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      ATRIUM, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec
    • Communication action for students ATRIUM, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      ATRIUM, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Président de session: Pierre VEDRINE (CEA)
    • 17:00
      Transfer to CEA-Saclay
    • Visit of the Synergium CEA-Saclay


    • 19:00
      Transfer to the restaurant
    • Social Dinner Restaurant La Belle Epoque, Châteaufort

      Restaurant La Belle Epoque, Châteaufort

      Restaurant La Belle Epoque 10 Place de la Mairie, 78117 Châteaufort 01 39 56 95 48
    • 21:30
      Transfer to the hotel and 'Le Guichet' train station
    • 1
      General assembly meeting Salle du conseil VI-114, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Salle du conseil VI-114, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Salle du conseil VI-114, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec
    • 10:00
      Welcome coffee Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

    • 2
      Objectives and the main results of AMICI Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Olivier Napoly (CEA)
    • 3
      Presentation of Work Package 2 "Strategy" Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateurs: Tord EKELÖF (UU), Walid Kaabi (LAL)
    • 4
      Presentation of Work Package 3 "Cooperation" Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Hans WEISE (DESY)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Room VI-118, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Room VI-118, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

    • 5
      Presentation of Work Package 4 "Innovation" Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Anthony GLEESON (STFC)
    • 6
      Presentation of Work Package 5 "Industrialization" Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Pasquale FABBRICATORE (INFN)
    • 7
      Relation with industry Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Mauro MORANDIN
    • 8
      Report from the Advisory Group Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Andrew HUTTON
    • 9
      Future of AMICI Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Sylvie LERAY (CEA)
    • 10
      Conclusions from the European Commission Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Orateur: Patricia POSTIGO-MCLAUGHLIN
    • 11
      Signature of the expression of intent Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      Amphi II, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

    • 16:30
      Cocktail ATRIUM, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec

      ATRIUM, Eiffel building, CentraleSupélec