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Abstract :
The possibility to develop high preformat detectors for specific physics experiments is closely related to the capability to carry on an extensive R&D activity on the design, characterization and optimization of such detectors.
In this work I will present my contribution to the development, implementation and tests of new ionizing radiation detection systems, for various projects involving the Laboratory, based on the use of the versatile technology of the scintillators spectrometers.
In the first part, I will detail the work that led to the construction of the Central Neutron Detector, which consists in a plastic scintillator barrel with enhanced timing properties to ensure neutron identification in the momentum range of interest, for the CLAS12 experiment. The second part of the presentation will focus on the R&D activity that was carried on to optimize the light yield of the assembly of extruded scintillator bars read-out via wavelength shifting optical fibers for the Scintillator Surface Detector of the AugerPrime upgrade experiment. I will conclude presenting, in the third part of this dissertation, the research activity aimed to study the detection properties of new advanced inorganic scintillators materials and to assess their performances for the use in high energy gamma-rays and neutron detection for possible application in nuclear physics experiments.
Membres du jury :
-Dinu-Jaeger Nicoleta, Ingénieur de Recherche, ARTEMIS, Université Côte d’Azur, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Nice (France)
-Fabris Lorenzo, Distinguished R&D Staff Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge (Tennessee, US)
-Jollet Cécile, Maitre de Conference (HDR), Centre d'Études Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France)
-Mari Stefano Maria, Professore Ordinario, Università degli Studi di Roma «Roma Tre», Rome (Italy)
-Patzak Thomas, Professeur, Université de Paris, Laboratoire Astroparticule & Cosmologie, Paris (France)
-Suomijarvi Tiina, Professeur, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab, Orsay (France)
- Thers Dominique, Professeur, IMT Atlantique, Université de Nantes, SUBATECH, Nantes (France)