MLLTRAP is a double Penning trap mass spectrometer (PTMS) which is located at the ALTO facility. Neutron rich exotic nuclei are produced by photo-fission at ALTO and the element of interest can be selected using a laser ion source. The ions are accelerated up to a few tens of keV to provide a low energy beam to the experimental setups. Upstream from the PTMS, the low energy beam is transported to a linear segmented Paul trap (RFQCB) where the ions are cooled and bunched. When ejected from the RFQCB, they are decelerated to be injected into the PTMS. In a first stage, the off-line commissioning of the setup will be performed with a stable ion source, developed at Orsay, at ground and high voltage. This first stage requires the upgrade of the current control and detection systems to implement the Phase-Imaging Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance (PI-ICR) technique at MLLTRAP. The first mass measurements campaign for MLLTRAP will focus on the silver isotopes towards the shell closure N = 82. In this contribution, the progress on the assembly and the off-line commissioning of the different sections of MLLTRAP will be presented as well as the timeline for the first measurements campaign at ALTO.