The Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) is the proposed future high-intensity and high-energy CERN’s lepton collider. High luminosities at the production poles (z,w,h,t) are planned at the Interaction Points (IP); thus very low beta star values are required at the IP, implying the use of very strong quadrupoles. Concurrently, LAPP work has underlined the strong correlation between ground motion induced vibrations of the quadrupoles close to the Interaction Region (IR) and loss of luminosity at the IP of SuperKEKB. Both FCC requirements and SuperKeKB experience point out the need to investigate thoroughly on the FCC-ee IR.
Considering the z-pole optics design of FCC-ee, we are evaluating the impact of quadrupoles’ misalignments on emittance. The first stage of our work consists of adding static displacements and quantify the loss of luminosity. To better consider the temporal dependence of ground motion models, correction schemes to mitigate these hindering effects and dynamic misalignments have to be introduced in the simulations. Ultimately, this will allow to define alignment tolerances of the IR quadrupoles and mechanical design of magnets, including their associated girders. Status of the work is presented.