With the arrival of new Petawatt laser facilities such as ELI-Beamlines or Apollon, the targets used for laser-plasma acceleration experiments need to evolve, in adequation with the laser repetition-rate, that could be up to 10 Hz. Thus, the new target should meet the high vacuum requirements of the interaction chamber, be stable to focus the laser on it, be refreshed quickly and have a moderate unitary cost. In order to optimize the various acceleration schemes parameters, such as ion energy, the thickness of the target is of paramount importance. I will show that our cryostat ELISE, Experiment on Laser Interaction with Solid hydrogEn, extrudes a continuous solid hydrogen target compatible with high repetition rate laser facilities. This cryogenic target is produced in ribbon form and offers a wide shooting area thanks to the 1 mm width. The current development focuses on the reduction in thickness of the target using an infrared laser and the characterization of a micrometer thickness thanks to a Nomarski interferometer. I will present an acceleration scheme, the operation of the cryostat and, the progress on the target.