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October 27, 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

First flavor day at IJCLab

The first in-person meeting of the Groupe Transverse "Saveurs: quark et leptons" will take place on the 27th of October at the amphitheater Pierre Lehmann (IJCLab, Bât. 200).

We will bring together theorists and experimentalists from IJCLab to informally discuss the recent developments on our field.

We strongly encourage PhD students and postdocs to participate by submitting a title for their contributions.

Topics will be:

  • B-physics anomalies (Eluned Smith, RWTH Aachen University).

  • Dark sector searches at flavor experiments (Martino Borsato, U. Heidelberg).

  • Neutrino properties from cosmology (Martina Gerbino, INFN Ferrara).

  • Presentations by PhD students and postdocs. 

A Zoom link will also be available for those who cannot attend the event in person:


Meeting Passcode: 815708



We remind you that the "pass sanitaire" is required to attend the event in person at the Amphitheater Pierre Lehmann.





200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann
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Registration for this event is currently open.