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LiteBIRD MHFT project office meeting

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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LiteBIRD is a satellite mission dedicated to the observation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) B-mode polarization over the full sky at large angular scales to study the early universe, and in particular the inflation phase.  It has been selected by JAXA as strategic large mission in the 2020s and is one of 31 highest-priority large projects by the Science Council of Japan.
CNES has taken the lead in a phase A2 feasibility study on the MHFT instrument, including various partners in Europe, US, Canada and Japan in which IJCLab is involved. 
A kick off meeting of the MHFT Project Office has virtually organised by CNES
last july.  The first face to face meeting is organised at IJCLab on the 8th of october.





  • Alessandro Coppolecchia
  • Alessandro Paiella
  • Alexey Shitvov
  • Andrea Catalano
  • Andrea Tartari
  • Baptiste Mot
  • Berend Winter
  • Bruno Maffei
  • Cristian Franceschet
  • Denis Douillet
  • Elia Stefano Battistelli
  • Eric Doumayrou
  • Fabio Columbro
  • Francesco Piacentini
  • Francisco Javier (Patxi) Casas
  • frederic pinsard
  • Giampaolo Pisano
  • Gilles Roudil
  • Giorgio Savini
  • Giovanni Signorelli
  • Giuseppe D'alessandro
  • Jean-Marc Duval
  • Johannes Hubmayr
  • Joshua Montgomery
  • Josquin Errard
  • Luca Lamagna
  • Ludovic Montier
  • Marco De Petris
  • Mario Zannoni
  • Paolo de Bernardis
  • Philippe ROSIER
  • Silvia Masi
  • Sophie Henrot-Versille
  • Stephan Maestre
  • Thierry Maciaszek
  • wilfried Marty
  • Yutaro Sekimoto
    • 09:00 09:05
      Welcome 5m
    • 09:05 09:20
      SCIENCE - LiteBIRD / MHFT Scientific status
    • 09:20 09:35
      MANAGEMENT & SCHEDULE - Project general info; development & schedule
    • 09:35 10:45
      • 09:35
        System generalities; specifications rules 15m
      • 09:50
        System Mechanical CAD and modeling 10m
      • 10:00
        System Thermal modeling 10m
      • 10:10
        System Optical / RF modeling 10m
      • 10:20
        System Magnetic modeling 5m
      • 10:25
        System Command & Control 5m
      • 10:30
        System Electrical architecture 5m
      • 10:35
        Budgets 10m
    • 10:45 15:50
      • 10:45
        Structure 30K/5K 10m
      • 10:55
        Structure Telescope 10m
      • 11:05
        Cold Ap.Stop 5m
      • 11:10
        Baffles 5m
      • 11:15
        Absorbers 10m
      • 11:25
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:55
        Half Wave Plate 10m
      • 12:05
        Half Wave Plate Mechanism & Electronic 10m
      • 12:15
        Lenses 10m
      • 12:25
        Filters 10m
      • 12:35
        Time for discussion 25m
      • 13:00
        Lunch 1h
      • 14:00
        Magnetic shield 10m
      • 14:10
        100mK ADR & Electronic 10m
      • 14:30
        MDPU-ICU HW 10m
      • 14:40
        MDPU-ICU OBSW & dataprocessing 10m
      • 14:50
        Focal planes 15m
      • 15:05
        Warm Readout Electronic 15m
      • 15:20
        Coffee break 30m
    • 15:50 18:00
      AIT - models & CALIBRATION
      • 15:50
        AIV sequence 15m
      • 16:05
        GSE's & ORFPM 30m
      • 16:35
        CALIBRATION : Cosmic rays 15m
      • 16:50
        CALIBRATION : RF 15m
      • 17:05
        CALIBRATION : Cold E2E 15m
      • 17:20
        Time for discussion 40m
    • 18:00 18:01
      Product Assurance (phase B/C/D)