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Technical Meeting

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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This Technical meeting is based on future upgrades of existing projects or even new ones.

Therefore, we kindly ask you for contributions related to:

  1.  Future upgrades of current projects

  2.  Future projects / future budgets requests

Those of you that have submitted for subvention any project, please present that project over that meeting. The bureau is aware that the deadline for the ANR and ERC subventions requests will be already passed, but at least we will all be informed about the new projects, as a collaboration. In addition, if any of you have an idea for a future project even though it is not at the stage for subvention request, he/she is welcome to present during this meeting.

There's a preliminary program that has been constructed after the "EAP ISOL" of September 2021.

The presentations will be followed by a discussion in order to determine the roadmap of the new possible upgrades and new projects within the collaboration. Any suggestion about this program is welcome.

The technical meeting will be at Orsay although a web connection will be available.


  • Antoine de Roubin
  • Audric Husson
  • Bertram Blank
  • Brigitte Roussiere
  • Camille Ducoin
  • carole Gaulard
  • Clément Delafosse
  • David Verney
  • Deyan Yordanov
  • Dieter ACKERMANN
  • Dinko Atanasov
  • Enrique Minaya Ramirez
  • Fadi Ibrahim
  • Francois DIDIERJEAN
  • François LE BLANC
  • Georgi Georgiev
  • Hervé savajols
  • Iolanda Matea Macovei
  • Jean-Charles THOMAS
  • Julien Guillot
  • Liss Vazquez Rodriguez
  • Luc Perrot
  • Lucia Caceres
  • Maher Cheikh Mhamed
  • Mathias Gerbaux
  • Matthieu Lebois
  • Maud Versteegen
  • Muriel Fallot
  • Nathalie Lecesne
  • Pascal Jardin
  • Radomira Lozeva
  • serge franchoo
  • Stéphane Grévy
  • Teresa Kurtukian-Nieto
  • Vladimir Manea
    • Welcome with coffee
    • Introduction - Bureau Isol-France
    • ISOLDE

      Georgi Georgiev

    • Laser at DESIR

      Nathalie Lecesne et François Le Blanc

    • Break / Lunch

      Matthieu Lebois

    • Collaboration (NA2)STARS

      Muriel Fallot

    • Coffee break
    • Gas cell - DESIR

      Stéphane Grevy et Vladimir Manea

    • Open discussions