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7–17 juin 2022
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Fracture and friction

15 juin 2022, 11:30
Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay


Prof. Elsa Bayart (ENS de Lyon)


The first part of this lecture will be an introduction to the linear elastic fracture mechanics of brittle solids. In particular, we will focus on the emergence of a mechanical singularity and the dynamics of propagative ruptures. In the second part, we will see that frictional motion is a fracture process. Sliding between two solids occurs once the solid contacts are broken via the propagation of a brittle shear crack. We will show that fracture mechanics is a powerful tool to characterize the frictional properties of a solid interface, but not only. We willshow that friction provides a versatile platform for studying fracture dynamics and mechanical singularities: propagation and arrest criteria, equation of motion.

Documents de présentation

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