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7–17 juin 2022
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

From Metamaterials to Machine Materials

17 juin 2022, 11:30
Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay


Prof. Martin Van Hecke (Leiden University)


The architecture of a material is crucial for its properties and functionality. This connection between form and function is leveraged by mechanical metamaterials, whose patterned microstructures are designed to obtain unusual behaviours.In the first lecture I will focus on metamaterials with unusual bulk properties such as negative response parameters, multistability or programmability. I will explain the basic mechanisms that underlie these properties, touching upon concepts such as mechanisms, non-affinity, and elastic instabilities. In the second lecture I will focus on machine materials, metamaterials that are spatially or sequentially heterogeneous. I will discuss shapemorphing and self folding, and introduce recent ideas on pathways, hysterons and mechanical information processing.

Literature: Bertoldi K, Vitelli V, Christensen J, van Hecke M., Flexible mechanical metamaterials. Nature Reviews 2, 17066 (2017).

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