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A2C Seminars #18 – Search for intermediate mass black holes by combining MACHO and EROS data

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


Zoom link: https://ijclab.zoom.us/j/98467358270
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Tito Dal Canton (IJCLab - Orsay)
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      Search for intermediate mass black holes by combining MACHO and EROS data

      The search for microlensing effects towards the LMC has constrained the abundance of massive compact objects in the Galactic halo. Historical surveys (MACHO, EROS, OGLE, MOA) have excluded objects lighter than 10 solar masses as a major component of Galactic dark matter. The detection of coalescences of heavier black holes by LIGO/Virgo has revived interest in dark matter in the form of compact objects. The effectiveness of previous microlensing studies was limited for high lensing masses, due to the long duration of the expected events. Combining the historical EROS and MACHO databases, which cover distinct time periods, has allowed us to obtain light curves with durations exceeding 10 years. As a result, the sensitivity of the microlensing search could be extended to thousand solar mass lenses. I will present the analysis and discuss the results of this combination of the MACHO and EROS surveys.

      Orateur: Marc Moniez (LAL (CNRS/IN2P3))