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9–11 mars 2022
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The sixth international workshop to bring together users and developers of the xFitter project, which is a QCD analysis platform used widely by LHC experiments. The topics will include current status and further developments in accordance with experimental analysis demands. The workshop will start on Wednesday March 9th at 10am and will run until Friday March 11th around lunch time.
A reception drink is foreseen on Wednesday after the afternoon session and a common dinner at a local restaurant (to be paid by participants) is proposed on Thursday evening. Coffe and lunch will be offered by the organisers at the IJCLab, which is a newly founded laboratory including the former LAL since January 1st, 2020 at the Orsay campus of the University of Paris-Saclay.
The workshop will take place in the Auditorium Joliot Curie in Building 100 near the Orsay-Ville subway station.
The logging and transportation information is to be found in the relevant links on the web page.
Please register for the workshop and indicate whether you are planning to attend the workshop dinner. Workshop Fee: None.

Registration deadline : March 4th, 2022

Zoom link :

ID de réunion : 939 4931 7418
Code secret : 186167
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Auditorium J.Curie
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See also xFitter group : https://www.xfitter.org/xFitter/

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