Mobility is an essential subject for smart and sustainable cities which gives rise to a wide range of scientific activities to meet technological and digital needs, social issues and legal and economic requirements. These activities imply multidisciplinary collaboration between these fields which is at the heart of the program proposed here according to three main themes: mobility as a service, mobility and the temporal organization of the territory, mobility and spatial planning.
- Dominique Barth, Pr. Laboratoire DAVID, computer sciences
- Eric Monacelli, Pr. Laboratoire LISV, robotics
- Jakob Puchinger, Pr. LGI/IRT SystemX, computer sciences
Pluridisciplinar scientific commitee
- Patrice Atknin, DS IRT SystemX, industrial systems,
- Yoann Demoli, MdC PRINTEMPS (UVSQ), sociology of mobility,
- Stéphanie Coeugnet-Chevrier, Chercheure, Institut Védécom, psychology and ergonomy,
- Valérie Gyselink, DR LAPEA (Univ. Gustave Eiffel), psychology,
- Patrick Haggard, Pr. UCL London, chaire d’Alembert IEA/Univ. Paris-Saclay, cognitive sciences,
- Sandrine Lacour, DR CNRS, ISSP (ENS Cachan), politic and law sciences ,
- Latiffa Oukhellou, dir. GRETTIA (Univ. Gustave Eiffel), computer sciences.
- François Sarfati, Pr. Centre Pierre Naville (UEVE), sociology of work
Il y a une enquête ouverte.