AIFIRA is a small-scale ion beam facility equipped with a single-stage electrostatic accelerator delivering bright beams of light ions (protons, deuterons and helium ions) in the MeV energy range. The facility provides ion beam irradiation, analysis, and imaging techniques to academic research groups and companies. These techniques cover a wide range of applications including materials research, life sciences, environment, geology and geochemistry, archeometry, and applied physics. About 200 days of beam time are allocated each year to internal and external users either coming from local, national, or international teams. AIFIRA is certified as a research platform by its two parent institutions: CNRS/IN2P3 and the university of Bordeaux. Therefore, beamtime allocation is opened to external teams that are accompanied by local experts to prepare, perform and analyse their experiments. Two original features of the facility are the charge collection studies using a microbeam and the production of secondary neutron fields.