Developments in quantum science and quantum engineering have brought forth a variety of platforms for quantum simulations of emergent collective many-body phenomena. Examples include ultracold trapped atoms and ions, superconducting circuits and atomic or solid-state quantum cavity-QED systems. A crucial feature of all these systems is their intrinsic non-equilibrium nature, where coherent quantum dynamics competes with dissipation arising from coupling to external environments due to unavoidable losses, dephasing and decoherence processes.
In the field of quantum computation the advent of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices – quantum systems consisting of many qubits, over which experiments have imperfect control – is already beginning to revolutionise our understanding of quantum dynamics and quantum information science. While an ideal quantum computer is a closed unitarily-evolving system, any realistic implementation will have both controlled operations and unintended interactions with the external environment, leading to non-unitary, open-system dynamics.
Furthermore, open quantum systems are natural platforms to explore transport phenomena in interacting quantum many-body systems, a topic which has seen a resurgence of interest with fundamental theoretical breakthroughs and experimental progress in realising transport settings with artificial quantum matter, beyond the conventional solid-state regime.
These different developments across a variety of fields have boosted the interest of a large community of scientists on open quantum many body systems, and have also clarified that environments can produce interesting and useful quantum effects.
The goal of this program is to bring together scientists from different communities interested in the out-of-equilibrium physics of open many-body quantum systems. These provide a paradigmatic setting to explore fundamental questions concerning large scale quantum phenomena in novel unexplored regimes, with direct applications to upcoming quantum technologies.
Running for three weeks, the workshop will provide an overview of the emerging concepts, theoretical approaches as well as experimental realisations cutting across different fields, from atomic physics and quantum optics to quantum information and statistical mechanics.
The event will take place at Institut Pascal (Saclay) for three weeks from Jun 12, 2023 to Jun 30, 2023. The topics of the three thematic weeks will be
Each week will include one or more pedagogical lectures given by experts in the topic and a single-day conference.
Organizing Committee:
Andrea De Luca - CY Cergy Paris Université
Jacopo De Nardis - CY Cergy Paris Université
Zala Lenarcic – Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Leonardo Mazza - Université Paris-Saclay
Guido Pagano – Rice University, Houston
Marco Schirò - JEIP Collège de France