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Sampling with generative models

6 sept. 2023, 11:30
Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

Bâtiment 530, Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay


Grant Rotskoff (Stanford University)


In probability theory, the notion of "weak convergence" is often used to describe two equivalent probability distributions. This metric requires equivalence of the average value of well-behaved functions under the two probability distributions being compared. In coarse-grained modeling, Noid and Voth developed a thermodynamic equivalence principle that has a similar requirement. Nevertheless, there are many functions of the fine-grained system that we simply cannot evaluate on the coarse-grained degrees of freedom. In this talk, I will describe an approach that combines accelerated sampling of a coarse-grained model with invertible neural networks to invert a coarse-graining map in a statistically precise fashion. I will show that for non-trivial biomolecular systems, we can quantitatively recover the fine-grained observables from coarse-grained sampling. Finally, I will discuss the general framework of using auxiliary models for mode discover when sampling with generative models.

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