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3–6 oct. 2023
Station Biologique de Roscoff
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Merci à à tous les participants et bon retour !

Medical Applications and Methods used at CLEAR, the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research

5 oct. 2023, 11:30
Station Biologique de Roscoff

Station Biologique de Roscoff

Place Georges Teissier 29680 Roscoff
Présentation orale Applications médicales


Pierre Korysko (University of Oxford)


The CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (CLEAR) is a user facility providing electron beams for a large and varied range of experiments. CLEAR was selected to study the feasibility of using Very High Energy Electrons (VHEE), between 100 and 200 MeV, at Ultra High Dose Rate (UHDR), sending the total dose in less than 100 ms, for cancer radiotherapy. With these conditions, one can study the FLASH biological effect in which deep-seated cancer cells are damaged while the healthy surrounding tissues are spared. CLEAR can deliver a 30-220 MeV beam and doses from a few mGy per second to a few Gy per ns. Several recent experiments in the medical field, carried out at CLEAR this year, are presented in this talk.

Auteur principal

Pierre Korysko (University of Oxford)

Documents de présentation