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3–6 oct. 2023
Station Biologique de Roscoff
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Merci à à tous les participants et bon retour !

Enhancing accelerators modeling, control and associated technology with AI application.

6 oct. 2023, 10:30
Station Biologique de Roscoff

Station Biologique de Roscoff

Place Georges Teissier 29680 Roscoff
Présentation orale invitée Intelligence artificielle


Barbara Dalena


The advent of new high-performance computer architectures, coupled with the availability of vast amounts of data, has driven the development of machine learning algorithms, and neural networks in particular. Today, the application of such techniques to beam dynamics, accelerator control and technology is an expanding field of research. Selected use cases from national, European and international laboratories will be presented and perspectives of the field will be discussed.

Auteur principal

Barbara Dalena



Documents de présentation