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17–19 janv. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Summary of the ARIEL project

17 janv. 2024, 13:40
102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102 (IJCLab)

102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102


Orsay, France
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Arnd Junghans (HZDR)


The EURATOM coordination and support project "Accelerator and Research reactor Infrastructures for Education and Learning (ARIEL)" brings together the most modern and state-of-the-art European neutron beam laboratories using the full range of neutron sources from high-energy proton synchrotons to research reactors.

For the continued improvement of the safety of current and future nuclear facilities, accurate and precise nuclear data are required e.g. embedded in computer simulations. Producing these nuclear data is a complex process, which relies on neutron facilities and on highly-trained nuclear physicists.

Twenty-three partners from 14 European countries will work together for the education and training of a new generation of young scientists and technical staff.

Auteur principal

Arnd Junghans (HZDR)

Documents de présentation