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17–19 janv. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Delayed neutron data measurements for the fast neutron induced fission of 238U at the PTB Ion Accelerator Facility

18 janv. 2024, 09:50
102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102 (IJCLab)

102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102


Orsay, France
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Dorian Belverge (Laboratoire d’Etudes de Physique (CEA/DES/IRESNE/DER/SPRC/LEPh))


n 2023, two experimental campaigns were performed at the PTB Ion Accelerator Facility in Braunschweig (Germany), in order to measure the delayed neutron macroscopic data in the fast neutron induced fission of 238U. In total, the delayed neutron yield was measured for 15 energies between 1.5 and 19 MeV. 3 measurements of the kinetics parameters associated to the delayed neutrons emission (precursors groups abundances) were also performed. The presentation will introduce the experimental setup, give some details about the analysis methodology and show the results obtained so far for the delayed neutron yield measurements.

Auteur principal

Dorian Belverge (Laboratoire d’Etudes de Physique (CEA/DES/IRESNE/DER/SPRC/LEPh))

Documents de présentation