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ERL Open Seminars

Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL): R&D plans and impact

by Jorgen D'HONDT (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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The Energy Recovery LINAC or ERL technology enables electron accelerators to operate with significantly reduced power supply requirements while achieving higher beam currents. By recovering the kinetic energy of the accelerated electron beam in the electric fields inside the RF cavities of the accelerator, this power can be recycled to accelerate a subsequent electron beam. At low beam energies and low beam currents, a quasi-optimal energy recovery and recycling has been successfully demonstrated. To unlock novel opportunities to address the current ambitions of the particle physics research community, an essential goal is to demonstrate the ability of ERL technology to achieve high-power beams, i.e., high-energy and high-current beams, in a sustainable manner regarding power supply requirements. To achieve this by the end of this decade, a comprehensive R&D program is being developed. Successful completion of this program would represent a paradigm shift for particle physics colliders enabling the design, construction and operation of the most ambitious electron-proton and electron-positron colliders, greatly expanding the physics reach in a sustainable way.

Organized by

Luc Perrot, Julien Michaud

Zoom Meeting ID
Luc Perrot
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