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“CLOUD: A New Generation of Neutrino Science at Chooz”

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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Yoann Kermaidic (IJCLab)
    • 1
      “CLOUD: A New Generation of Neutrino Science at Chooz”

      Since the discovery of the neutrino by Reines et al. (1956), reactor antineutrinos have been vital in neutrino fundamental research, including a significant role in establishing the neutrino oscillation phenomenon as part of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Much of the world's knowledge (θ13, θ12, Δm2, δm2, and even mass-ordering) will rely heavily on these kinds of experiments. Their unique ability for high precision owes much to one of the highest signal-to-backgrounds in neutrino science, thus making them ideal tools for discovery-potential explorations within and beyond today’s neutrino oscillation standard picture. Most recently, the LiquidO technology, born initially as a byproduct of the DoubleChooz reactor experiment, is expected to boost the background rejection capability by means of unique event-wise tagging of e+s emitted upon antineutrino interactions.

      The new CLOUD experiment, supported by the eponymous international collaboration (16 academic institutions and EDF), will be presented for the first time. CLOUD relies on the first ever ~10-ton LiquidO detector, which will be deployed at the new Chooz’s “ultra-near detector” site, located at ~30 m from one of the nuclear reactors with minimal overburden. With more than 10,000 antineutrino interactions per day and an expected signal-to-background ≥100, CLOUD is designed for unprecedented fundamental physics. The CLOUD-I addresses the fundamental physics programme associated with the primary goal of the fully-funded (EIC & UKRI) “AntiMatter-OTech” innovation-based project that aims to develop non-intrusive industrial reactor monitoring. Also under active exploration, the subsequent CLOUD-II and CLOUD-III are independent neutrino scientific programmes exploring novel solar and geo-neutrino detection methodologies otherwise impossible today. The proposed presentation would thus describe the next generation of Chooz-based experiments within the scientific prospect of the large SuperChooz experiment — also under exploration.

      Orateur: Dr Anatael Cabrera (IJCLab/LNCA - CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay)