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23–25 sept. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris



23 sept. 2024, 10:45
APC Paris

APC Paris

Présidents de session

Plenary: General combinations (Mass, width, CP + couplings)

  • Giovanni Petrucciani (CERN)

Plenary: Higgs Self Coupling

  • Valentina Cairo (CERN)

Plenary: BSM and rare H(125) decays

  • Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/IFCA (CSIC))

Plenary: Effective Field Theories

  • Sandra Kortner (Max Planck Society (DE))

Plenary: Higgs physics at HL-LHC

  • Patricia McBride (Fermilab)

Plenary: Concluding talks

  • Rosy Nikolaidou (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))

Plenary: CMS joker talk


Plenary: ATLAS joker talk


Documents de présentation

Aucun document.
Valerie Lang (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg)
23/09/2024 10:45
Fabio Iemmi (Inst. of High Energy Physics)
23/09/2024 11:00
George Iakovidis (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
23/09/2024 11:15
Tiziano Bevilacqua (PSI)
23/09/2024 11:30
Giovanni Petrucciani (CERN)
23/09/2024 11:45
Ramona Gröber (Università and INFN Padova)
23/09/2024 15:00
Agni Bethani (Univ. Catholique de Louvain)
23/09/2024 15:20
Zhijun Liang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
23/09/2024 15:35
Valentina Cairo (CERN)
23/09/2024 15:50
Erich Varnes (University of Arizona)
24/09/2024 10:20
Efe Yazgan (National Taiwan University)
24/09/2024 10:35
Huacheng Cai (University of Pittsburgh)
24/09/2024 10:50
Chen Zhou (Peking Univ.)
24/09/2024 11:05
Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/IFCA (CSIC))
24/09/2024 11:20
24/09/2024 11:25
Tevong You (King's College London)
24/09/2024 16:20
Yicong Huang (University of Sheffield)
24/09/2024 16:40
Lourdes Urda (LLR, Ecole Polytech., IN2P3-CNRS)
24/09/2024 16:55
Sandra Kortner (Max Planck Society (DE))
24/09/2024 17:10
24/09/2024 17:15
Oliver Bruning (CERN)
25/09/2024 10:00
Federico De Guio (INFN Milano-Bicocca)
25/09/2024 10:45
Patricia McBride (Fermilab)
25/09/2024 11:00
25/09/2024 11:10
Kats Yevgeny (Ben-Gurion University)
25/09/2024 11:35
25/09/2024 12:20
Patricia McBride (Fermilab)
25/09/2024 12:35
25/09/2024 12:45
Kirill Melnikov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
25/09/2024 15:40
Kerstin Tackmann (DESY)
25/09/2024 16:25
Ordre du jour en construction...