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Nov 26 – 28, 2012
Europe/Paris timezone
The B decay into D** contains various interesting issues both from the theoretical and experimental point of view. There are many puzzles in the experimental data and between theory and experiment. This challenges our understanding of QCD and is of high relevance for an accurate estimate of Vcb.
We will discuss the latest lattice result on the B-> D** form factor as well as the spectroscopy. We will also discuss related subjects.  One of the most important subjects would be |Vcb| determination. For this, we will discuss the latest theoretical computation of the B-> D(*) form factor for exclusive extraction of Vcb. We will discuss extensively these issues including the recent theoretical and experimental progresses.

The topics covered:

(a) experimental situation for semi-leptonics and nonleptonics
(b) lattice results for spectroscopy and decay amplitudes 
(c) other theoretical approaches (quark model, sum rules..)
(d) B to D,D* and the estimate of Vcb (inclusive, exclusive) 

The local Organizers: 

Eli Ben-Haim (LPNHE-Jussieu)
Benoit Blossier (LPT-Orsay)
Emi Kou (LAL-Orsay)
Olivier Pene (LPT-Orsay)
Konstantin Petrov (LAL-Orsay)
Patrick Roudeau (LAL-Orsay)

Seminar Room
LPNHE Barre 12-22, 1er étage - 4 place Jussieu - 75252 PARIS CEDEX 05