Analytical chemistry: from data (pre)-treatment optimization to data mining, data fusion and big data.
AB 19/5 (Faculté de Pharmacie)
AB 19/5
Faculté de Pharmacie
5, Rue Jean Baptiste Clément - 92290 Châtenay-Malabry
Balázs Kégl(LAL), Sana Tfaili
Presentations will focus on the researches in analytical chemistry field and our interest in big data; mainly lipids research. At first, examples of analytical applications will be developed. We will try through the exposition of each example to illustrate the nature of the registered data; to describe the steps of different data pretreatment and data treatment.
Then, we will highlight some perspectives:
• using other approaches to explore data,
• possibility of data fusion (data from complementary analysis),
• structuring data storage (database): a database from which data could be used by different programs, by different users, and that will have the major advantage of giving the opportunity to be accessed by multiple users simultaneously,
• improving the power of calculation: possibility to acquire cores and this would be possible via a project under construction,
• development of specific statistical packages.
All these points will be detailed through a discussion at the end of the presentations.