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Workshop photos are HERE !

The sixth joint workshop of the France Korea (FKPPL) and France Japan (TYL/FJPPL) International Associated Particle Physics Laboratories will take place this year at the "Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) in Strasbourg, France, from May 10th till May 12th.

During the workshop, all FKPPL and TYL/FJPPL projects will be presented orally, as well as several talks of special interest to our communities. In addition, we are planning a set of "brainstorming discussion" sessions, with the aim of helping to identify priorities and interests for future collaboration between our teams.

The day before the start of the workshop, on May 9, it is possible for research groups involved in the TYL-FJPPL and FKPPL to organise their own satellite meetings at the workshop venue. Two such satellite meetings are planned at present: one on the Alice experiment and one on pixel sensor technologies (see the announcement and indico web page).

Details of the venue and other practical aspects can be found on the Practical information page. Please note that participants should arrange themselves for their lodging and travel to the workshop site.

We very kindly invite all participants to register before May 1st, 2017.

Looking forward to welcoming you all in Strasbourg !

The organizers express their deep gratitude to the following institutions: IPHC, UNISTRA, KEK, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/IRFU

IPHC Strasbourg (France)
Amphi Grünewald