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Planning for Grid Deployment and Usage in South Africa

First discussion between people from the Institut des Grilles in France and those interested in deploying and using grid technology in South Africa. The goal of the meeting is to determine the scope of the collaboration and concrete plans for deploying grid technology and for running a grid school in South Africa.
  • Anne Corval
  • Charles Loomis
  • David Bouvet
  • Guy Wormser
  • Johan Eksteen
  • Johan Montagnat
  • Kobus Roux
  • Vincent Baron
    • Scope of Collaboration and Goals

      Discussion of the desired scope and goals of the collaboration. The initial goals were: 1) to deploy the grid software at a site in South Africa, 2) run a grid school in South Africa concerning grid technology, and 3) improve scientific exchange between France and South Africa.

    • Project Overviews

      Overviews of computing projects in France, South Africa, and Europe that may be relevant for this collaboration.

      • 1
        Speaker: Dr guy wormser (LAL Orsay)
      • 2
        Institut des Grilles
        Speaker: Dr guy wormser (LAL Orsay)
      • 3
        French Government Programs
        Speakers: Dr Anne Corval (CNRS/Head of Office for Sub-Saharan Africa), Mr Vincent Baron (Embassy of France in South Africa)
      • 4
        South African Grid/Computing Projects
    • Grid Applications

      Survey of the types of applications that are using grid technology in Europe and those who may be interested in using it in South Africa.

      • 5
        EGEE Applications
        Speaker: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay)
      • 6
        Life Science Applications
        Speaker: Dr Johan Montagnat (I3S)
      • 7
        Potential Grid Applications in South Africa
    • Grid Middleware

      Functionality offered by the gLite (EGEE) middleware and by other packages commonly used in conjunction with gLite. Detailed discussion of the security infrastructure needed to support grid computing, including the establishment of a Certification Authority (CA). Distributed computing tools already used by applications in South Africa and software required by the applications.

      • 8
        Middleware Functionality (gLite and others)
        Speaker: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay)
      • 9
        Security Aspects
        Speaker: Mr David Bouvet (CC-IN2P3)
      • 10
        Software Used in South Africa
    • Grid Operations

      Discussion of the requirements in operating resources visible via the grid. Survey of the available help, contacts, and procedures.

      • 11
        EGEE Operational Procedures
        Speaker: Mr David Bouvet (CC-IN2P3)
      • 12
        Speaker: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL-Orsay)
      • 13
        Available Resources and Constraints
    • Conclusions

      Revision of goals/scope of the collaboration taking into account the information presented in the workshop. Plan for future (including actions and people responsible for them), financial aspects of collaboration, expanding the collaboration to western Africa.