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3–28 mai 2021
Institut Pascal, Orsay, France & online
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Introduction to the numerical conformal bootstrap

3 mai 2021, 10:00
Institut Pascal, Orsay, France & online

Institut Pascal, Orsay, France & online

Lecture / lecture series 1. Status of the conformal bootstrap


Alessandro Vichi (University of Pisa)


Lecture 1:
- Introduction
- Conformal symmetry in $D\geq 2$ dimensions
- Unitarity/reflection positivity

Lecture 2:
- Operator Product Expansion and conformal blocks
- Crossing equations

Lecture 3:
- Recasting crossing symmetry as a convex optimisation problem (main logic)

Lecture 4:
- Applications of the numerical bootstrap: the Ising model in $D=2,3$ dimensions

Documents de présentation