Asterisks* mark talks for which slides or other materials are available. (Click on the talk title.) Recordings of all the talks are available at that page.
Multi-week activities
- Tutorial: Numerical bootcamp*, supervised by Marten Reehorst (4 sessions in Weeks 1, 2)
1. Status of the conformal bootstrap
- Introduction to the numerical conformal bootstrap*, by Alessandro Vichi (4 lectures)
- Applications of the numerical conformal bootstrap*, by David Poland
- The navigator function : sailing through the infeasible sea in the conformal bootstrap*, by Ning Su
- Critical Ising Model in Varying Dimension by Conformal Bootstrap*, by Andrea Cappelli
- Critical geometry approach to three-dimensional percolation*, by Alessandro Galvani
- Discussion on Non-relativistic conformal symmetries*, with Malte Henkel
2. Statistical physics targets
- Random critical points: Anderson transitions, multifractality, and conformal symmetry*, by Ilya Gruzberg (4 lectures)
- Upper critical dimension of the 3-state Potts model*, by Shai Chester
- Geometrical correlators in 2d CFTs: an introduction with some open problems*, by Jacopo Viti
- Four-point cluster connectivities in the 2d critical Q-state Potts model*, by Yifei He
- Conformal field theory of the integer quantum Hall transition: a status
report*, by Martin Zirnbauer - Discussion on Analytically soving the Ising model in $2 + \epsilon$ dimensions*, with Wenliang Li
- Discussion on The 3d Ising CFT spectrum*, with Slava Rychkov
3. Structural phase transitions and other unitary problems
- Basics of symmetry in condensed matter physics*, by Sylvain Ravy
- Introduction to structural phase transitions*, by Pierre Toledano (3 lectures)
- Critical behavior near structural phase transitions*, by Amnon Aharony (2 lectures)
- Conformal bootstrap studies of puzzles in critical phenomena*, by Andreas Stergiou
- RG Flows in Coupled Replica CFTs*, by Hirohiko Shimada
- Discussion on Interchiral algebra from the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra*, with Azat Gainutdinov
- Discussion on Four-point functions for non-unitary geometrical problems in two dimensions, with Hubert Saleur
- The random field Ising model*, by Silvio Franz, Marco Picco and Emilio Trevisani (2 lectures)
4. Non-unitary bootstrap methods
- The crossing equations without positivity: tools and challenges*, by Marco Meineri (2 lectures)
- Critical exponents from the Lorentzian inversion formula*, by Johan Henriksson
- Operator expansions, layer susceptibility and two-point functions in BCFT*, by Mykola Shpot
- How can the pertubative renormalization group help the bootstrap?*, by Kay Wiese
- Discussion on Unitarity versus positivity*, with Connor Behan
- Discussion on Conformal Field Theories near an Edge*, with António Antunes
- Extremal flows for the non-positive bootstrap?*, by Miguel Paulos