2:00 PM
Data-centric AI
Romain Egele
(Université Paris Saclay / Argonne National Laboratory)
2:30 PM
Application of Self-organizing maps in high energy physics
Kai Habermann
(University of Bonn)
2:45 PM
Super-resolution for calorimetry
Francesco Di Bello
(INFN and U. of Rome)
3:00 PM
Inducing selective posterior-collapse in variational autoencoders by modelling the latent space as a mixture of normal-gamma distributions
3:15 PM
Deep Multi-task Mining Calabi-Yau Manifolds
Riccardo Finotello
4:00 PM
Scientific inference with imperfect theories: examples with machine learning and neurosciences
Gael Varoquaux
4:30 PM
Study of model construction and the learning for hierarchical models
Masahiko Saito
(International Center for Elementary Particle Physics, University of Tokyo)
4:45 PM
Uncertainty Aware Learning for High Energy Physics With A Cautionary Tale
Aishik Ghosh
(UC Irvine)
5:00 PM
Graph Neural Networks for track reconstruction at HL-LHC
(Laboratoire des 2 Infinis - Toulouse, CNRS / Univ. Paul Sabatier (FR))
5:15 PM
Particle Tracking with Graph Neural Networks
Gage DeZoort
(Princeton University)
5:30 PM
Jet Energy Corrections with GNN Regression
Daniel Holmberg