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17–28 mai 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Multiple stellar systems, discs & planets

26 mai 2021, 14:00


What is the impact of stellar multiplicity on planet formation? This question is motivated by the fact that the process of stellar formation leads to a very high fraction of multiplicity. On top of this, planet formation occurs early on around young stellar objects. This leads to an unavoidable conclusion: protoplanetary discs are deeply affected by the presence of nearby stars. In this talk, we will first explore disc dynamics and planet evolution around binary, triple, and quadruple stellar systems – as opposed to single stars. Then, based on recent numerical works, we will briefly review some recent observations (mainly with ALMA & SPHERE) of multiple stellar systems with highly asymmetric discs. Finally, we will discuss the effects of stellar multiplicity on planet formation in terms of disc morphology, dust dynamics and planetary stability.

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