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Oct 11 – 22, 2021
Institut Pascal
Europe/Paris timezone

The workshop 'Exploring QCD with Tagged Processes' will be held from the 11th of October to the 22nd of October at the Institut Pascal of the University Paris-Saclay (France) with the possibility of remote attendance.

The topics to be discussed will cover a wide field including all high energy nuclear reactions where nuclear fragments are detected, both with hadronic and leptonic probes. The goal of this program is to elicit detailed discussion on various aspects of the field, from the detector technologies to the theoretical treatment of the tagged processes. It will include discussions about key issues such as the few-body and many-body break-ups of the nucleus, the mesonic content of nuclei and nucleons, development of models describing final state interactions in semi-inclusive (deep) inelastic processes, incorporating the description of the short-range structure of the nucleus with the calculation of high energy scattering processes, as well as modeling hadronization processes that can be studied with tagging.

The 3-week program is intended for a relatively light schedule allowing much discussion and work time in the two first weeks and a topical workshop with a denser schedule planned the third week (18-22 October).

Support for attendance will be available for participants, moreover limited travel support will be available with a strong emphasis on promoting the participation of graduate students and postdoctoral associates.

For further information regarding the scientific content of the program, please contact one of the following organizers:

    Wim Cosyn
    Raphaël Dupré
    Cynthia Keppel
    Misak Sargsian

Institut Pascal
Petit Amphi
Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay
Application for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.