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3–21 oct. 2022
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Strange baryon femtoscopy in ALICE

17 oct. 2022, 11:30
Grand-amphy (Institut Pascal)


Institut Pascal

530 rue Andre Riviere, Orsay (GPS coordinates: 48◦42024.200N2◦10038.100E) Zoom meeting information: https://universite-paris-saclay-fr.zoom.us/j/81981401388?pwd=aFFOLzlPK0x2UjBXWWt5OUticTNLZz09 Meeting ID : 819 8140 1388 Secret code : 263477


Raffaele Del Grande (Technical University of Munich)

Auteur principal

Raffaele Del Grande (Technical University of Munich)

Documents de présentation