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October 31, 2022 to November 25, 2022
Institut Pascal
Europe/Paris timezone

From standard to constrained cosmological simulations

Nov 10, 2022, 2:30 PM
Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

530 Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay


Jenny Sorce


To understand dark matter and energy, large cosmological surveys are designed to reach a few percent precision. This large quantity of data needs to be analyzed in light of cosmological simulations, to be fully exploited. Such preliminary analyses brought out tensions between the standard cosmological model and observations. Reaching a 1% precision, systematics of the same order of magnitude, due to our cosmic environment, our survey specificities and our tool proper- ties, rise out. Analyses need to be fueled with a new type of cosmological simulations designed to reproduce our cosmic environment. Such simulations, that I named CLONES (Constrained LOcal & Nesting Environment Simulations), provide a robust methodological framework to min- imize the systematics. After presenting standard cosmological simulations, I will introduce the CLONES giving a few study examples that promise to tremendously increase our capacity to evade systematics in future survey analyses.

Presentation materials