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October 31, 2022 to November 25, 2022
Institut Pascal
Europe/Paris timezone

Fast astrophysical multi-messenger astrophysics with DWF

Nov 15, 2022, 2:00 PM
Institut Pascal

Institut Pascal

530 Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay


Anais Möller (Swinburne University)



The Deeper Wider Fast Programme (DWF) aims to discover and rapidly follow up the fastest bursts in the Universe (those lasting only milliseconds to hours). For this, we execute a main strategy comprised of coordinated international multi-facility, all-wavelength, and multi-messenger telescope observing runs to detect and follow up fast transient events.
I will present the challenges, opportunities, and preliminary results of the DWF main strategy for a variety of fast transients such as FRBs, GRBs and KNe. I will then discuss alternative strategies such as fast follow-up triggering, search for orphan and coincident multi-messenger transients.
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The Deeper Wider Fast Programme (DWF) aims to discover and rapidly follow up the fastest bursts in the Universe (those lasting only milliseconds to hours). For this, we execute a main strategy comprised of coordinated international multi-facility, all-wavelength, and multi-messenger telescope observing runs to detect and follow up fast transient events.
I will present the challenges, opportunities, and preliminary results of the DWF main strategy for a variety of fast transients such as FRBs, GRBs and KNe. I will then discuss alternative strategies such as fast follow-up triggering, search for orphan and coincident multi-messenger transients.
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