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March 13, 2023 to April 14, 2023
Institut Pascal
Europe/Paris timezone

Chaotic dynamics poses rather vexing conundrums for quantum mechanics, as was already presciently noted by Einstein in 1917.  The first actual description of a quantum chaotic system may well have been Bohr's compound nucleus in 1936.  However, Quantum Chaos really came into being with Wigner's introduction of random matrix theory (RMT), aimed at understanding physics related to nuclear reactor design.  RMT, with its focus on statistical properties of the system's Hamiltonian, represented a major paradigm shift.  Quantized chaotic systems were recognized to behave in many universal ways, completely independently of their detailed description. Since its origin, RMT has seen applications in an extraordinarily broad range of fields, well beyond the boundaries of physics.

However, this origin of quantum chaos in the context of strongly interacting nuclear many-body (MB) systems did not straightforwardly lend itself to a concrete association with classically chaotic dynamics. After a considerable period focusing on single-particle systems, the field is now returning to strongly interacting MB systems.  The past decade has witnessed an accelerating resurgence of “many-body quantum chaos”, which has seeped into a vast array of forefront physics research. 

Given the breadth of research falling under the guise of MB quantum chaos, the focus for the program is being narrowed to five interrelated research subfields that we believe are extremely timely and have great potential for cross-fertilization. 

During the first week, there will be 5 3-hour tutorials on the 5 subjects of the workshop, lectured by: 

1 ) Semiclassical theory of MB systems: Klaus Richter - Universität Regensburg
2) MB chaos with cold atoms: Andrey Kolovsky - Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk
3) Thermalization and its violations in isolated MB systems: Laura Foini - IPhT and Valentina Ros - Université Paris Saclay
4) Low-dimensional (quantum) gravity: Julian Sonner - University of Ginevra
5) Quantum information in MB systems: Rosario Fazio - ICTP


Organizing Committee:
Olivier Giraud – Université Paris-Saclay
Silvia Pappalardi – École Normale Supérieure
Steven Tomsovic – Washington State University

Scientific committee:
Alexander Altland – Universität Köln
Iva Brezinova – Technische Universität Wien
Olivier Giraud – Université Paris-Saclay
David Guéry-Odelin – Université Toulouse
Silvia Pappalardi – École Normale Supérieure
Klaus Richter – Universität Regensburg
Peter Schlagheck – Université de Liège
Mark Srednicki – University of California Santa Barbara
Steven Tomsovic – Washington State University
Juan Diego Urbina – Universität Regensburg
Karol Zyczkowski – Jagellonian University



Crédits photo © Jean-François COLONNA / CNET /Lactamme / CNRS Photothèque

Institut Pascal
Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay