Cosmological Physics GDR
Cosmology has entered an era of precision physics allowing us to tackle more and more deeply the very details of the physical processes that take place throughout the history of the Universe. The GDR CoPhy will offer a way to bring together all the actors of this field in France, experimentalists, phenomenologists and theoreticians, and provide opportunities for joint meetings and discussion. It will help promote and give visibility to the younger researchers of the field, either through talks, flash talks, or poster sessions.
Today the main research topics in this field can be expressed by the three following science drivers :
- Initial conditions and primordial Universe
- Fundamental laws of the Universe
- Matter and energy content of the Universe
In the GDR, the activities will be organized around four main working groups:
- Dark Energy
- Theory, Universe and Gravitation
- Tools and Methodology
and completed by “Transverse Task forces” that will be put in place as needed to meet the ad-hoc interests and needs of the GDR members. They aim at focusing on more narrow, dedicated topics, and will have a limited duration. Some examples could be non-linearities, cross-correlations or table-top experiments.
More on : gdrcophy.in2p3.fr
Date limite de l'appel à contributions: au plus tard le 18/12
Last limit of the call for contributions: 18th of december.
Date limite pour les inscriptions pour venir en presentiel: au plus tard le 03/01
Last limit of the registrations if you plan to come in person: 03rd of january
Chairs des sessions:
10h-12h30: Vincent
14h-15h: Pauline
15h30-18h: Pasquale
09h-11h: Josquin
11h30 - 12h30: Vivian
14h-15h10: Julien
15h40-18h: Yann
09h-10h20: Marco
10h50-12h40: Guilhem