Week 1 - The role of magnetic fields in disk formation, evolution, and planet formation
MONDAY 25th - Magnetic fields , non-ideal MHD, collapse models
9.15-9.45 am registration (distribution of building access badges and lunch tickets)
9.45-10.00 : Welcome Introduction by Institut Pascal Director
2 « review » talks (35’+5’)
- 10.00-10.40 Tomida (MHD models for star formation)
- 10.40-11.20 Offner (models with ionization from protostellar CR)
- 11:20-12:00 Discussion in amphitheater / coffee
- 12:00-12:45: 3 contributed talks (10’+5’) Gonzalez (multiplicity in models vs obs), Mauxion (non-ideal disk formation+evolution with Idefix), Commercon (disks in massive star formation)
1 pm: Buffet at the Institut Pascal
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions
TUESDAY 26TH - Observations of disks and B fields
- 9:30-10:10 Ohashi (e-disk ALMA), remotely from Hawaii (10pm local time) - 10:10-10:50 Girart (obs of B fields)
- 10:50-11:50 Discussion in amphitheater / coffee
- 11:50-12:40: 3 contributed talks (10’+5’)
Sturm (disk + dust properties from JWST data), Lebreuilly (Synthetic populations of protoplanetary disks), Ngo (measuring Class 0 disk sizes from synthetic observations)
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions in cathedral
WEDNESDAY 27th - Dynamics: infall, streamers, outflows, fragmentation
- 9:30-10:10 Pineda (streamers in protostellar envelopes) - 10:10-10:50 CF Lee (ALMA obs of disks and outflows)
- 10:50-11:50 Discussion in amphitheater / coffee
- 11:50-12:30 : 2 contributed talks (10’+5’) Nacho Anez-Lopez (how to measure magnetic braking), Maureira (obs of IRAS16293, dynamics and dust properties)
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions in cathedral
THURSDAY 28th - Gas ionization, chemistry
- 09:30-10:10 Redaelli (how to measure ionization from observations of cores) - 10:10-10:50 Le Gal (chemistry & ionisation in disks, MAPS etc) ?
- 10:50-11:50 Discussion in amphitheater / coffee
- 11:50-12:30: 2 contributed talks (10’+5’) Pineda (ionization in NGC1333)
Girart (obs ionization B335)
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions in cathedral
Restaurant dinner
FRIDAY 29th - Dust evolution, polarization
- 9:30-10:10 Kataoka (scattering, dust properties in disks)
- 10:10-10:50 Maury (polar and dust evolution in protostars)
- 10:50-11:50 Discussion in amphitheater / coffee
- 11:50-12:40: 3 contributed talks (10’+5’),Marchand (effect of grain size on coupling), Cacciapuoti (dust properties in L1527) Lombart (models of dust evolution)
Afternoon: wrap-up discussion towards week #2
Zoom link for the afternoon
Week 2 - Constraints on magnetic winds vs turbulent disk evolution from
population surveys, from Class 0 to Class II
Monday Oct. 2nd - Disk surveys in the continuum: which evolution from Class 0 to Class II?
Chair: Anaelle Maury
- 9:10-9:30am: registration (access badge and lunch tickets
distribution) - 9.30-9.45 introduction and summary of week 1 by Sylvie Cabrit/Benoit Tabone
- 9.45-10.20 review talk by Jonathan Williams ; Disk surveys in the :
- 10.20-10.40 am: Lukasz Tychoniec ; Class 0/I disk surveys in the (sub-)mm
- Coffee break/discussions: 10.40-11.00 am
- 11.00-11.15 am: Akimasa Kataoka ; dust growth/properties (summary of week 1)
- 11.15-11.35 am: Andrew Sellek ; evolution of dust continuum with radial drift and growth for viscous disks
- 11.35-11.50 am: Francesco Zagaria ; evolution of dust continuum with radial drift and growth for MHD driven evolution
- 11.50-12.45: discussions
- 12.45 pm: buffet at the Institut Pascal
- 2.00-4.30 pm: Collaboration and discussions in small groups
- 4.30 pm: joint discussion in the amphitheater (TBD)
Tuesday Oct. 3rd - Observational constraints on gas masses, radii, and accretion rates
Chair: Leonardo Testi
- 9.30-10.00 am: review talk by Justyn Campbell-White ; Accretion rates in Class IIs results form recent surveys
- 10.00-10.20 am: contributed talk by Eleonora Fiorellino ; Accretion rates in Class I protostars
- Coffee break/discussions: 10.20-10.50 am
- 10.50-11.25 am: review talk by Ted Bergin ; Disk gas mass estimates from molecular lines
Contributed talks:
- 11.25-11.40 am: Dana Anderson ; benchmark of thermochemical models to infer gas masses
- 11.40-11.55 am: Aashish Gupta ; Late infall and its potential effect on Class II disks
- 11.55-12.45: discussions
- 2.00-4.30 pm: Collaboration and discussions in small groups
- 4.30 pm: joint discussion in the amphitheater + results of the AGE-PRO program by G. Rosotti
- 5.30 pm: drinks at the Institut Pascal
Wednesday Oct. 4th- Disk population synthesis models: achievements and next steps
Chair: Giovanni Rosotti
- 9.30-10.05 am review by Richard Alexander ; disk population synthesis approach: framework, method, and results
- 10.05- 10.25 am: Alice Somigliana ; MHD-driven versus viscous evolution
Coffee break: 10.25-11.00 am - 11.00- 11.20 am: Jesse Weder ; consistent models with PEW and MHD disk winds
- 11.20- 11.40 am: Claudia Toci ; models of gas and disk radii evolution vs observations
- 11.40-12.45: discussions
- Collaboration and discussions in small groups
- 4.30 pm: joint discussion in the amphitheater (TBD)
Thursday Oct. 5th- Disk photoevaporation models: current status and open issues
Chair: Sylvie Cabrit
- 9.30-10.05 am: review by Uma Gorti ; Photoevaporative winds from turbulent disks: results and open issues
- 10.05-10.25 am: Andrew Sellek ; the role of the X-ray spectrum in the mass-loos rates
Coffee break: 10.25-11.00 am - 11.00-11.20 am: Ryohei Nakatani ; Are photoevaporative winds molecular ?
- 11.20-11.40 am: Giovanni Picogna: Stellar mass dependency
- 11.40-12.45: discussions
- 2.00-4.30 pm: Collaboration and discussions in small groups - 4.30 pm: joint discussion in the amphitheater (TBD)
Conference dinner at Le Gramophone
Friday Oct. 6th Open issues: Magnetic flux diffusion and Environmental effects
Chair: TBD
- 9.30-9.45 am: summary of the Ringberg meeting by Geoffroy Lesur ; B-flux evolution and disk surface density profile
- 9.45-10.15: Discussion
- 10.15-10.45 am: Coffee break
- 10.45-11.20: review talk by Andrew Winter ; On the relevance and effects of external FUV on disk evolution
- 11.20-11.40 am: Rossella Anania ; Disk population synthesis for AGE-PRO with external FUV
- 11.40-12.00 am Dominika Itrich :Accretion and winds in irradiated regions seen by MUSE
- 12.00-12.10 am Emilie Habart ; JWST observations of irradiated disks in the Orion Bar
- 12.10-12.45: discussions
- Collaboration and discussions in small groups
- 4.30 pm: joint discussion in the amphitheater (TBD)
Week 3: Disk winds: theories confront observations
MONDAY Oct 9: Physics of MHD Disk winds and Dead Zone location (chair: Lesur)
- 9:00-9:30 registration of new comers (distribution of access badges
and lunch tickets)
Review talks -
9:30 – 10:05 Bai (basics of non-ideal MHD disk wnds and the
dead-zone) -
10:05 – 10:40: Zhu (basics of ideal-MHD winds in MRI-active turbulent
discs) -
10:40 – 11:10: coffee
Contributed talks (15’+5’)
- 11:10 – 11:30 Flock (Dead zone location and dynamics: new results)
11:30 – 11:50 Zhi-Yun Li (Gas and Dust Structuring in Magnetized
Wind-Launching Disks) -
11:50 – 12:10 Martel (MHD models of transition disks)
12:10 – 13:00: 50’ of open discussion + poster presentations (if any)
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions in cathedral
TUESDAY Oct 10: Observational evidence for disks winds and their properties (chair: Bacciotti)
Review talk
- 9:30 – 10:05 Dougados : Spatially resolved evidence of disk winds 2
Contributed talks (15’+5’)
- 10:05 – 10:25 Nisini (JWST observations of the HH46-47 system)
- 10:25 – 10:45: Whelan (spectro-astrometry of jets and winds)
- 10:45-11:15 Coffee
Contributed talks (15’+5’) - 11:15 – 11:35 Flores (optical spectroimaging of the atomic component)
- 11:35 – 11:55 Lopez-Velazquez (multiple shells in the HH30 molecular
outflow with ALMA) - 11:55 – 12:15 Bacciotti (the layered HL Tau outflow seen with ALMA)
- 12:15-12:55: open discussion
- 14:00-14:35 (TBC): Banzatti (spectral signatures of low-velocity disk
winds) - collaboration time and open discussions in cathedral
WEDNESDAY Oct 11: Synthetic predictions for MHD and PE winds vs observations (chair: Cabrit)
9.30-10.05: J. Goodmann (thermo-chemistry and radiative transfer in PE and MHD disk winds)
10.05-10.25 (TBC) Gressel (heating and ionization in irradiated MHD disk winds)
10.25-11:00 : Coffee break
Contributed talks (15’+5’) -
11:00 -11.20 : Rab: synthetic predictions of line profiles for PE
winds -
11:20 - 11:40: Tabone: signatures of MHD disk winds vs observations
11:40 - 12:00 : summary on PE wind benchmarks from week 2
12:00 – 13:00 Discussion: how to discriminate between MHD and PE disk
winds ? Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions in cathedral
Conference dinner
THURSDAY Oct 12: Alternative interpretations (chair: Hennebelle)
Review talks
- 9:30 – 10:05 (TBC) Shang: magnetized bubbles as integrated and unified outflows
- 10:05 – 10:40 Cabrit (Models of outflow entrainment in young stars)
- 10:40 – 11:10 Coffee break
Contributed talks (15’+5’)
- 11:10 – 11:30 Podio (infall streamers in class 1 and class 2 wind
11:30 – 11:50 Lesur (effect of planet gaps on MHD DW sub-structure)
11:50 – 12:50 Discussion: how to discriminate between disk winds and
entrainment ? (1h)
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions in cathedral SOC meeting to gather summary of week discussions
FRIDAY Oct 13: Summary and Future Perspectives (chair: Tabone)
Contributed talks (15’+5’)
- 9:30 – 9:50: Pinte (constraints on DW origin from disk kinematics)
- 9:50 – 10:10: Harrison (constraints on disk B-field from Zeeman
measurements) 10:10 – 10:40: Coffee
- 10:40 – 13:00 Summary of progress made, major unsolved questions, and
future paths (models, joint proposals, ELT opportunities...)
- 14:30 – 14:50 (15’+5’): Fendt (dynamo-driven disk winds)
Collaborative work and open discussions
18:00 informal gathering for people staying in week 4
Week 4: Planet formation and migration in magnetised disks
Monday 16 October 2023 - Observations of PPD structures (Chair: Sylvie Cabrit)
Review talks (35’+10’)
- 9:00-9:30am: registration (access badge and lunch tickets
- 09:30-10:05 Myriam Benisty - Observational studies of disk structures
- 10:15-10:50 Jaehan Bae - Theoretical studies of disk structures
Contributed talks (10’+5’)
- Christophe Pinte - ALMA observations of planet-induced kinematic
kinks in PPDs - Stefano Facchini - Novel observations of disk
kinematics and chemistry promoting planet formation - Alexandros Ziampras - Radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of planet-induced gaps
- Coffee and discussion in the amphitheatre
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions
Tuesday 17 October 2023 - Dust growth and planetesimal formation (Chair: Farzana Meru)
- 09:30-10:05 Anders Johansen (Remote talk) - The streaming instability
Contributed talks (10’+5’) - 10:15-10:25 Akimasa Kataoka - Recap from week 1 on
observations of dust in discs - 10:30-10:40 Francois Menard - Observations of dust properties in
protoplanetary disks
Contributed talks (10’+5’)
- Francesco Lovascio - The polydisperse streaming instability Nathan
Magnan - Vortex-induced planet formation - Ziyan Xu - MRI turbulent trapping rings as efficient sites for planetesimal formation
- Fabiola Antonietta Gerosa - New insights on planetesimal formation in
turbulent disks - Katsushi Kondo - Snowline evolution in PPDs Coffee
and discussion in the amphitheatre
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions
Wednesday 18 October 2023 - Models of planet formation (Chair: Richard Nelson)
Review talks (35’+10’)
- 09:30-10:05 Alessandro Morbidelli - Pebble accretion
- 10:15:10:50 Bertram Bitsch (Remote talk) - Giant planet formation
Contributed talks (10’+5’)
- Farzana Meru - Sandwiched planet formation:restricting the mass of the middle planet
- Zhaohuan Zhu - Magnetospheric accretion and young planets
- Yuri Fujii- Formation of satellites
Coffee and discussions in the amphitheatre
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions
Thursday 19 October 2023 - Detailed studies of planet migration (Chair: Zhaohuan Zhu)
Review talk (35’+10’)
- 09:30-10:05 Clement Baruteau - Overview of planet migration theory
Contributed talks (10’+5’)
- Elena Lega - Migration and accretion by giant planets in discs with
laminar accretion flows - Xuening Bai - Gap formation and migration by giant planets in discs
with magnetised winds - Gaylor Wafflard-Fernandez - Planet-disk-wind interactions in
protoplanetary disks: massive planets in magnetized disks
Coffee and discussions in the amphitheatre
- Philippine Griveaud - Migration of giant planets in low-viscosity
discs. - Carolin Kimmig - Can magnetic disk winds induce planetary migration?
Afternoon: collaboration time and discussions
Friday 20 October 2023 - Planet formation in magnetised discs: Solar System constraints, open questions and future prospects (Chair: Kees Dullemond)
Review talks (35’ + 10’)
- 09:30-10:05 Clara Maurel - Paleomagnetism and parent bodies in the
Solar System - 10:15-10:50 Xuening Bai - Comparing non-ideal MHD disk simulations
and paleomagnetic measurements Coffee and discussions in the amphitheatre
Collaboration time and discussions
Summary discussion of Core2disk III workshop