9.30-10.05 am: review by Uma Gorti ; Photoevaporative winds from turbulent disks: results and open issues
3 Contributed talks:
• 10.05-10.25 am: Andrew Sellek ; the role of the X-ray spectrum in the mass-loos rates
Coffee break: 10.25-11.00 am
• 11.00-11.20 am: Ryohei Nakatani ; Are photoevaporative winds molecular ?
• 11.20-11.40 am: Giovanni Picogna: Stellar mass dependency 11.40-12.45: discussions
- 2.00-4.30 pm: collaboration and discussions in small groups - 4.30 pm: joint discussion in the amphitheater (TBD)
Conference dinner at Le Gramophone
Uma Gorti
(SETI Institute)
05/10/2023 09:30
Andrew Sellek
(University of Leiden)
05/10/2023 10:05
Riouhei Nakatani
05/10/2023 11:00