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Nov 13 – 15, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Amplitude Roadmap for high average power ultraintense laser for plasma acceleration

Nov 13, 2023, 5:10 PM
Amphi Bloch (CEA)

Amphi Bloch


bâtiment 772, CEA, Orme des merisiers, 91190 Saint-Aubin
Oral Stratégie Table ronde


franck falcoz (Amplitude)


We will show the main developments that we are following to increase the average power of Petawatt systems. We will mainly focus on the different solutions proposed to overcome the thermal issues induced by the increase of the repetition rate (>100Hz) : cooling of the TiSa crystals,gratings..
We will also present the status of the development for our 10J/200Hz pump laser that could be use for these high energy, high repetition rate TiSa laser.

Primary author

franck falcoz (Amplitude)

Presentation materials