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CosPT Workshop II/2023 in 2024

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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Dirk Zerwas
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  • Akira Miyazaki
  • Ali Aras
  • Bartjan van Tent
  • Dirk Zerwas
  • Eugeny Babichev
  • François Couchot
  • Gilles Weymann-Despres
  • Hagop Sazdjian
  • karim Noui
  • Laurent Duflot
  • Mathieu Gross
  • Matthias Hamer
  • Michele Citran
  • Nikola Makovec
  • Roman Poeschl
  • Salvador Rosauro
  • Simon Cléry
  • Sophie Henrot-Versille
  • Tito Dal Canton
  • Xavier Sarazin
  • Yann Mambrini
    • 14:00 14:10
      Introduction 10m
      Orateurs: Dirk Zerwas (IJCLab), Eugeny Babichev (IJCLab), Thibaut Louis (IJClab)
    • 14:10 14:40
      Lohengrin@ELSA 30m
      Orateur: Matthias Hamer (University of Bonn)
    • 14:40 15:40
      Discussion session "prospectives cosmologie" 1h
      Orateurs: Bartjan Van Tent (IJCLab, pole theorie), Jérémy Neveu (LAL), Matthieu Tristram (IJClab, CNRS, France), Tito Dal Canton (IJCLab / IN2P3 / CNRS)
    • 15:40 16:00
      Coffee 20m
    • 16:00 16:30
      Gravity as a Portal to Reheating, DM and Leptogenesis 30m
      Orateur: Simon Clery (IJCLab - Pôle théorie)
    • 16:30 17:00
      Effects of Fragmentation on Post-Inflationary Reheating 30m
      Orateur: Mathieu Gross
    • 17:00 17:20
      DIscussion on CSS feedback and future directions 20m

      From 10/18/2022

      As stated in our previous recommendations, the Transverse groups can be an effective tool to gather the various communities and create links between the poles. Six groups have been created and have started their activities, mainly through dedicated workshops or seminars. The CSS encourages the Transverse groups and the Directorate to go beyond, defining some targets (project, publication …) in order to measure the benefit.