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Dec 10 – 13, 2024
Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier
Europe/Paris timezone
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Neutron-rich nuclei and neutron skins from chiral low-resolution interactions

Dec 11, 2024, 2:40 PM
Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier

Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier

Sorbonne Université - Campus des Cordeliers 15 rue de l'école de médecine, 75006 Paris


Dr Pierre Arthuis (Technische Universität Darmstadt)


Neutron-rich nuclei provide important insights to nuclear forces and to the nuclear equation of state. Advances in ab initio methods combined with new opportunities with rare isotope beams enable unique explorations of their properties based on nuclear forces applicable over the entire nuclear chart. In this talk, I will present novel chiral low-resolution interactions that accurately describe bulk properties from 16O to 208Pb, including density distributions and neutron skins of neutron-rich nuclei. I will show how neutron skins are narrowly predicted over all nuclei with interesting sensitivities for the most extreme, experimentally unexplored cases.

Presentation materials