Nuclear structure-reactions-interaction
- Tomàs Rodriguez
In this talk I will describe our formalism to treat odd nuclei and apply it in particular to study different properties of isotope chains, as binding energies, deformation, neutron separation energies, charge radii, etc. Our approximation is based in a HF+BCS model, where the finite range Gogny force is used as effective nuclear interaction; even-even and even-odd nuclei can be described...
Neutron-rich nuclei provide important insights to nuclear forces and to the nuclear equation of state. Advances in ab initio methods combined with new opportunities with rare isotope beams enable unique explorations of their properties based on nuclear forces applicable over the entire nuclear chart. In this talk, I will present novel chiral low-resolution interactions that accurately describe...
Despite major and numerous recent progresses within ab initio methods [1], these are not capable yet to describe the whole variety of phenomena over the nuclear chart, and Energy Density Functionals thus remain the tool of choice to such end at present. To build a functional suited for astrophysical applica- tions, one must describe as good as possible nuclear properties, such as masses, of...
The 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be radiative capture reaction plays a key role in the creation of elements in stars as well as in the production of solar neutrinos, the observation of which is one of the main tools to study the properties of our sun. Since accurate experimental measurements of this fusion cross section at solar energies are difficult due to the strong Coulomb repulsion between the...