Nuclear structure-reactions-interaction
- Tomàs Rodriguez
In recent years, significant progress has been made in ab initio calculations for nuclear structure. Most of them are restricted to relative light nuclei. Studies of medium-heavy and heavy nuclei are based on nuclear density functional theory. Very successful relativistic and non-relativistic functionals are available nowadays. However, most of them are phenomenological functionals. Therefore,...
We recently carried out a systematic calculation for beta decay half-lives within proton-neutron QRPA. Our formalism adopted a Gogny type forces for both isospin T=0 and T=1 pairing channels.
This ensures us a reliable for beta-decay calculations within the QRPA. Delayed-neutron branching ratios are also estimated by a Hauser-Feshbach statistical model with beta-strength functions calculated...
The Gogny interaction has never been fully exploited for astrophysical calculations due to its typical poor isovector properties. Over the years several attempts have been made to improve these features, but only recently some success has been achieved. In my talk, I will discuss several properties of infinite nuclear matter with strong isospin asymmetry toillustrate how different Gogny...